Downloading my tacho/drivers card

As i havent driven anything with a tacho fitted for months i hadnt been downloading my card untill last month as i didnt think i needed to. since then i have been doing it every fortnight. first time i did it it said i had done 3 hours 14 mins of driving. I questioned it and was told its probably an annomaly because it hadnt been downloaded for ages. I downloaded it again yesterday and it said i had done 64 hours driving.

i did try and get an answer but due to other things going on no one was forth comming as far as the traffic office went.

these cards are obviously capable of being written to question is is the reader capable of writting to the card? or is there some other less sinister cause.

many thanks

As i havent driven anything with a tacho fitted for months i hadnt been downloading my card untill last month as i didnt think i needed to. since then i have been doing it every fortnight. first time i did it it said i had done 3 hours 14 mins of driving. I questioned it and was told its probably an annomaly because it hadnt been downloaded for ages. I downloaded it again yesterday and it said i had done 64 hours driving.

i did try and get an answer but due to other things going on no one was forth comming as far as the traffic office went.

these cards are obviously capable of being written to question is is the reader capable of writting to the card? or is there some other less sinister cause.

many thanks

If the card analysis says you have done 64hrs driving, when does it say you have done it?
It does show dates and start/finish etc doesn`t it? Take it from there.

What vehicle reg? That would be the starting point in trying to pin this down. Compare the head downloads & if they match…

Bit of a long shot but a previous employer had issues with the card readers & the office clerk, trying to be helpful said leave it with me ,I’ll do it later you can pick it up in the morning. Some got mislaid & took days to resolve. Lesson there was never leave your card, download it the following morning.