Downloading a digi card

Hello guys, just have a quick question that I’d be grateful if you could clear up for me

At work on Friday the tacho head unit warned me that I’d need to get my card downloaded by the 28th (Monday) since it has been a month from the last time it was downloaded, which is no problem because I’m working that day. I’m an agency worker so I don’t always have regular work, so my question is what would happen if my card was due to be downloaded but I couldn’t due to not having a card reader and not having to drive that day? And is it a punishable offence?


It is the responsibility of the driver to present the card for download within a certain time frame - that’s it

Most agency drivers usually have their card downloaded at the end of each shift because there is always a possibility they will not be working at that place again

The company the driver works for - not the agency - needs the info for each shift the driver did for them