Downloadable maps

Hi, i’ve been given an old laptop which i plan on using as a portable DVD player.

Are there any road maps that i can download and store on my PC?



you could try putting autoroute on it (if the spec is good enough) i dont think it needs to be the worlds best laptop but is quite a big programme so it depends on the size of your harddrive. maybe it is worth looking into

Plenty of viewers available for it and you can download as much or as little as you like - you can even update it for everyones benefit if you find something is incorrect!

I’m working on a “truckers” viewer for it, but god knows how long that will take!


Pretty good that Scarab, just checked it out on something I was looking at a few moments ago and there is a small mistake as the British Consulate in Bordeaux is on Boulevarde du President Wilson not Pierre 1st as they say. May go back and correct it later but a bit busy right now.