Do your checks for gap, then signal and do checks again before you move! You need a decent gap as well to get all checks in. I remember mine, by time is done checks I had lost gap so had to cancel signal and start again!
Peter Smythe:
Same as any other move off. No need for the footbrake on, handbrake off etc. It’s the old way of doing it and its fine, just not needed anymore.
Good luck, Pete
IMO it’s sensible to show traffic coming from behind the brake lights whilst holding it on the footbrake considering your on a downhill.
I suggest he does what is asked by his instructor, as he knows the centre well where the test will be, I passed 24/7 and had 5 minors, non for the parking and starts, weather uphill or downhill. But the opinions are interesting, I personally looked for the gap, indicated, plenty of mirrors, brought the clutch to the bite, let me hand break off, and went on my way, weather uphill or downhill, my trainer also told me the blind spot isn’t required with the size and type of mirror I had, I did not do blind spot at all and passed at Canterbury LGV which only has 42% pass rate when looking at 2013/14 figures. Just my recent experience down here in Kent.