Dover Kent Truck Photographer

This is Probably a long shot.

Firstly my apologies for two things, One, My Grammar is shocking and may offend some of you, however my stronger points are the driving…
Secondly, this is my FIRST post on this forum, so if this is not aloud then please remove if necessary.

Anyway, im a driver of a beautiful DAF Car transporter for Copart. On several occasions i have come down to the Eastern Docks roundabout at Dover and ive seen, to what looks like a biker (the big beard and leather jacket type) with a camera taking some snaps of many trucks coming round, he has taken some of me a few times… a couple years ago he used too stand on a bridge halfway up Jubilee way…

The thing is i cant just stop on the roundabout and ask him where he posts these photos.

If ANYONE has any info on this bloke id be happily grateful. wouldn’t mind having a copy of a photo…

Im a Newly qualified Class 2 driver with almost a year under my belt. would be great towards a small collection of photos too show the kids when they grow up.

Thanks in advance too anyone.

I blame the school teachers, aloud wtf, you mean allowed, and I suggest Google too and to , and no capital’s after a coma , only after a full stop, my three year old son would know this.

I blame the school teachers, aloud wtf, you mean allowed, and I suggest Google too and to , and no capital’s after a coma , only after a full stop, my three year old son would know this.

Made your self look a prick there my friend. You just stated no capitals after a coma, implying other person shouldn’t spell in capitals after coming out of a deep state of unconsciousness. I can only assume you did intend to spell comma. Hope your three year old son knows the difference between them two.

Other person, fair play to you if you want a photo of your first lorry, why not, be proud and show your family. Try some things like google your reg number etc, if no joy, take your own pics :grimacing:

I blame the school teachers, aloud wtf, you mean allowed, and I suggest Google too and to , and no capital’s after a coma , only after a full stop, my three year old son would know this.

Toby… with your use of the grocer’s apostrophe, my three year old son knows that you are NOT the grammar police. :wink:

Glass houses and all that! :grimacing:

There’s nothing wrong with the OP, it’s perfectly readable.

I blame the school teachers, aloud wtf, you mean allowed, and I suggest Google too and to , and no capital’s after a coma , only after a full stop, my three year old son would know this.

Your three year old son probably knows how to use commas, full stops, apostrophes and question marks better too. Perhaps when he starts pre-school you can ask him for some pointers on basic sentence punctuation.

On top of everything that’s been said; did you read this blokes admission of his bad spelling/grammar? I’ve seen a lot worse on here and other forums/fora. I found it quite readable.

Welcome to the forum TruckerFloyd, and yes your post is perfectly readable clear and well set out, and anyway this is a lorry drivers forum not a discussion between English language A-level teachers.

I don’t really have a pictoral history of my years on the lorries and that is something i regret, so whether you manage to find this chap’s picture postings or not make sure you take your own pics, preferably when actually working/unloading at the various places you go, what’s in the background of the pics can be really fun to look at in decades to come.

Have you tried googling your lorry registration number, there’s several pics of my lorries of the last 10 years i have found by googling the reg.


Your email addy on a piece of paper with an explanatory note. Next time your down there stop on or near the roundabout with yer hazards on. I reckon you’d be stationary for 15 seconds tops if you nip out and hand it to him.

I’ve waited longer for less and not got my skiddies all bunched up.

Have you tried Google searching your truck reg plate for images? If there’s a hit and you find one normally it will be attached to an account somewhere (Flickr or something) and maybe you can make contact through that?

Search for these names on Facebook, Simon Offen, Neil Jarrold, Darren Scott.

Or try Googling ‘Truck photos Dover’, you never know.

I ve just tried searching for copart daf images on google ,there are some on there …

Sorry for the long reply guys, I just been trying to find an excellent comeback for that ■■■■ that tried bringing me down about my grammar.

But then I worked out it isn’t worth it, he probably has an issue himself that I would rip him a new … about it. LOL. (nobody’s perfect)

Anyhow, thanks for the positive replies everyone, I did notice that the photographer hasn’t been there recently, but as it’s a really nice day today I might drive there myself as it’s my day off and see if he’s about.

I hope everyone’s okay, keeping safe and avoiding grammar correcting boffins. (There worse than VOSA)


Hi. The man you are probably after is [M20 PHOTOS] he has a website under that name.

Good Luck. Ben. Retired Heavy Haulage Driver

There are so many self righteous road warriors, wannabe cops and and small minded busybodies these days that I automatically get suspicious of anyone with a camera. In this line of work we already get watched, monitored, tracked, observed and judged to within an inch of our lives. There’s not a lot I can do about them, but be damned if I’m going to make it any easier for them!