Double white lines

try being in my shoes when telling one of them that he is getting a ticket etc :smiley: talk about tell me how to drive etc etc etc, it’s like they own the road

I hear you loud and clear. If you want to get a volunteer force together to assist with the ticket-giving-out don’t hesitate to give me a shout. And if you fancy a productive day, I can tell you of one particular traffic light where you could sit all day with guaranteed high success rate in nicking cyclists for whom the red light obviously means either a) nip onto the pavement for two yards around the light, over the cross road, then back and straight on; or b) just keep going anyway without slowing even by a gnat’s whisker. AND there’s a cctv camera on that corner too.


Happy Keith:


‘…my dad tried to moan about cyclist riding 2 abreast …’

‘…But your dad probably lived in the days when common sense ruled the roads…’

Apart from it appearing that the ol’ lad still lives (have you written him off with the past tense?) , he’s now in a Euro nation where diversity is lorded as king. PC monkeys tell us not to try & stop it for fear of being bigotted & racist, etc - which I suggest (other than lots of things being shoddy) is now a nation where nothing is ‘common’ - including ‘sense’.

Therefore, perhaps ‘common sense’ is an out of date term with no real meaning other than to indicate one’s old age - and what Carryfast’s dad now needs is more domestically focussed & Britain-centric governance to work for those who deserve better quality in their life - including the ‘two abreast’ cyclists who are equally as neglected by the law & society, etc.

Could’nt quite work out exactly what all that meant but it was JoeG’s dad who I was on about but it was only the days I meant which were in the past tense.My own dad does’nt need to worry about it all anymore other than wether they might dig up the cemetery to provide yet more room for extra road space to allow for more bicycle lanes and for more of them to ride two abreast.,and more bus lanes,and more housing to provide for a more balanced multi cultural mixture in our population through planned immigration,and more community services to provide for all their needs,and hotel space to cater for the increase and expansion of air travel,and office space to cater for all those employed in enforcing all the latest government directives all being carried out to make life better for us all etc,etc,etc,etc

Happy Kieth I really do enjoy reading your posts and they never fail to bring a wry smile to my lips, but I do feel somehow that I’m reading the innermost thoughts of the lovechild spawned by the union of Shane McGowan and Amy Winehouse after a particularly bad acid trip. :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Sorry, spelled Keith wrong :blush: :blush: :blush:

‘… they might … provide for a more balanced multi cultural mixture in our population through planned immigration…’

Given the misguiding shackles of European regulation and their own self licking lollipop of importance, ‘they’ can’t manage a road junction, let alone big-boy stuff like traffic management or ‘immigration’ etc.

Happy Keith:

‘… they might … provide for a more balanced multi cultural mixture in our population through planned immigration…’

Given the misguiding shackles of European regulation and their own self licking lollipop of importance, ‘they’ can’t manage a road junction, let alone big-boy stuff like traffic management or ‘immigration’ etc.

Unless it’s finding the best way to get everything and everyone out of France and across the channel asap.Have you noticed how there’s often a massive queue of traffic being held up at Dover going outbound but the French,our government,and the EU have got planned ‘emigration’ and traffic flow down to a fine art in this direction.As for the EU our own government have shown that they’re more than capable of ruining the place without any help from the EU.But having said all that if you’re a cyclist and/or you’re from any of the favoured ‘groups’ under this great social experiment then this is probably as near to paradise as you’ll get.


Oh, and driving side by side on a carriageway is fine, its sometimes done 3 in a row or at least could be. You do this on a motorway.
But, if you think that 2 cyclists riding side by side can take up half a lane, 2 cars driving side by side would take up both lanes, your example it pretty crappy, actually. :confused:
Fancy another go?

Why not there’s nothing like a good discussion with the lot who like bicycles but who can’t understand the rules of the road.It’s possible to drive two cars or even trucks side by side on some single carriageway roads without taking up ‘both lanes’ (A131 near Braintree?) by which I think you mean crossing the broken white or even the solid white line down the centre dividing the two opposing traffic directions.But doing that at the same speed side by side with two cars and if a copper happened to be behind would probably be a sure case of driving without consideration for other road users which seems par for the course for most cyclists but the difference is cyclists usually get away with it whereas motor vehicle drivers don’t.And no you don’t drive side by side on a motorway you only use lanes 2 or 3 for overtaking and then return to lane 1.Time to start reading that highway code again and have a chat with your local traffic coppers if they can be bothered to try to educate you.And why bother with cycle lanes which cyclists keep on shouting for if they don’t mind riding out in the centre of one of the lanes of a single carriageway road when it suits them?.

Speeding can be safe, but its against the law to do it.
Riding 2 abreast is fine, its int he highway code, so :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :laughing: :wink:

As for cycle lanes, i really dont know :frowning: They should stop making them, or at least make them good.
Oh, and yes you use lanes 2 and 3 for overtaking, but i dont see Topgear being moaned at when they spread out over 3 lanes of the motorway, as they have done before :wink:



i must check with my internet provider it appears that i have clicked for trucknet but been routed to cyclenet.

I have nothing against cyclists provided they are sensible and considerate to other road users.

The problem is (and i’m only generalising from personal experience) a lot of cyclists seem to think they have a God given right to ride anywhere without any thought for others.

Where I live the local council has spent thousands of tax payers money providing extra wide pavements incorporating cycle lanes. So obviously the cycles have to ride on the road causing hold-ups because no-one has enough room to overtake. :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:
Why can’t they see that its safer to use the cycle lanes.

Although, alot of the numpties down in London that cycle… :wink: :laughing:

I wont mention taxis but its not just Peterborough :imp:

Its still Trucknet, dont worry, just one post on cyclists!
Well, if you read the highway code(which i often get told about and to get off the road etc) it says its up to the rider to decide whether or not to ride on the cycle facility or not.
There are a few reasons to decide not to ride on the cycle path.
Its got numpties on bikes on it
Its got numpties walking along it
Its got numpties smashing glass on it
Its not got cars going along it clearing all the crap from it
Its like a pavement, so you still have to slow down at junctions of roads, where you can cycle on the road, keep a constant speed and be just as safe, if people wouldnt mind slowing down sometimes(often not even at all) to wait to pass.
Or just come past fast and close. But if you do that, think of your son/daughter on that bike, or what if they move out and you take them down. Would you keep the same mentality of them getting off the road if you have to tell the friends/families about why you decided to pass their son/daughter so close and knock them down?

On your bike mate…


‘… if you’re a cyclist … or … any of the favoured ‘groups’ under this great social experiment then this is probably as near to paradise as you’ll get…’

You’re ripping the pee, fella! Cyclists? Favoured??

The ongoing ‘…social experiment…’ of basic social governance in UK is years behind other ‘rich’ nations in many aspects: Their ‘diversifying’ us poor saps before culturally giving us a commonly high quality of life founded on sound principles has seemingly got us at each others throats. Cyclists are as disenfranchised as any/all other groups barring very few (and try buying a bike in rain sodden UK with a decent mudguard - even the market doesn’t cope for the fickle demands of maintaining a dry ■■■■!)

roll up a £20 note into a tube, insert it into your nose, place it across the white line and inhale.
there you go. no more white line, no more problem.

Happy Keith:

‘… if you’re a cyclist … or … any of the favoured ‘groups’ under this great social experiment then this is probably as near to paradise as you’ll get…’

You’re ripping the pee, fella! Cyclists? Favoured??

The ongoing ‘…social experiment…’ of basic social governance in UK is years behind other ‘rich’ nations in many aspects: Their ‘diversifying’ us poor saps before culturally giving us a commonly high quality of life founded on sound principles has seemingly got us at each others throats. Cyclists are as disenfranchised as any/all other groups barring very few (and try buying a bike in rain sodden UK with a decent mudguard - even the market doesn’t cope for the fickle demands of maintaining a dry ■■■■!)

I must have missed the bit where they were being blamed by the green army for exhaling more CO2 to go faster than pedestrians and being taxed for it,where they’ve now got to pay road tax and insurance,have a licence that can be endorsed for highway infringements,and generally have to accept the same propaganda that truck and car users have to endure.While train drivers seem to be well paid enough compared to truck drivers in a politically correct society which charges one form of transport a fortune in taxation and nothing in the case of others.