Double manning

Double manning next week. any basics i could get given would be appreciated :wink:

make sure he dosent snore in case your on nights out :smiley:

For both drivers to come under multi manning rules they must finish at the same time and must be together within 1 hour of their starting times

The shift can be a max of 21 hours and a 9 hour REST must be taken within 30 hours of the start time - that 9 hour REST is considered a FULL daily rest

REST can only be taken in a stationary vehicle
BREAK can be taken in a moving vehicle

The first 45 mins of POA when the card is in slot 2 will be regarded as BREAK

The one actually driving must have their card in slot 1

Does that help?

super thanks : :grimacing:

If it’s someone you already know and get on with then great, if not you’ll probably want to punch them or leave then somewhere far away halfway through your shift.