double manned

Hate it but have a question.

Both put cards in at 2:30am. What time can we both up till? We have both done a 4:30 stint and now he is just starting his second stint.


All the rules are the same except the daily rest requirement which is a minimum of 9 hours in a 30 hour period from the end of your previous daily rest.

So in other words you can be on duty 21 hours from 02:30 which I get to be 23:30

If you both have a ‘10’ available the vehicle could drive for 20 hours in that time

Hate it but have a question.

Both put cards in at 2:30am. What time can we both up till? We have both done a 4:30 stint and now he is just starting his second stint.


I would have split it into approx. 3 hour stints or maybe even 2 hour stints - unless each of you wanted a very long sleep !

Assuming I read it that you each did 4.5 hours at a stretch but I could be reading it wrong

If you can keep it rolling…
Driver 1) 4.5 hours
Driver 2) 4.5 hours
Driver 1) 4.5 hours
Driver 2) 4.5 hours
Driver 1) 1 hour
Driver 2) 1 hour

If you can keep it rolling…
Driver 1) 4.5 hours
Driver 2) 4.5 hours
Driver 1) 4.5 hours
Driver 2) 4.5 hours
Driver 1) 1 hour
Driver 2) 1 hour

Driver 1) 3.5 hours
Driver 2) 3.5 hours
Driver 1) 3.5 hours
Driver 2) 3.5 hours
Driver 1) 3.0 hours
Driver 2) 3.0 hours

Hate it but have a question.

Both put cards in at 2:30am. What time can we both up till? We have both done a 4:30 stint and now he is just starting his second stint.


You must have a daily rest period of 9 hours completed within 30 hours from the start of the shift, that leaves you a spread-over of 21 hours from the start of the shift to the end of the shift.

Assuming that the shift started when you put the cards in at 02:30 the shift must finish no later than 23:30.

You probably already know this but I’ll mention it anyway just in case:

  • You can both drive for a maximum of 10 hours each as long as you both have 10 hour driving days available (which given that it’s Tuesday is very likely).
  • Whilst double manning the first 45 minutes of POA whilst sat in the passenger seat with the card in slot two can be counted as break, this is because the digital tachograph cannot record break for slot two while the vehicle is moving.

21 hours duty :sunglasses: nine off! :laughing: keep 'er lit! :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing:

Used to be 22hrs duty and only 8 off in any 30hr period , personally they should change the rules so they are the same for daily rest periods as normal single manned hrs= reduced to 9hrs 3 times only out of your six cards ,as you can’t always be sleeping whilst your co-driver is attending the steering wheel