Double Man Shifts and the next normal one

We had an agency come in this morning whos previous shift had been a double manned one (finishing late Friday)- he had had 9 hours rest before driving for us, but this was not in the 24 hours from when his double shift finished.

I honestly did not know if he was ok to drive for us or not - so can someone explain.


9 hours off is all you need. IIRR it’s 9 off within 30 hours of starting double manning.
We used double manning to stop drivers getting stuck out and needing a hotel.
Start at 6am Mon-Fri, latest 9pm finish ready for another 6am start the following day.

Under multi-manning rules there is a derogation from the requirement for the rest period to fall within 24 hours of starting the shift so as long as he had completed his 9 hours within 30 hours of beginning his multi-manned shift he was okay to drive for you.