Don't want any hassle





Spare set of keys always helpful in this instance. Give him the sticky, always gets stuck in the lock set!

Tried handing car keys, normally not a prob, have to hand keys in at quite a few places, so car keys go in quite often.

I look at it as a test of understanding the risks of pulling off the bay, and you go get your car keys before pulling off the bay / safety check.

Some [zb] are just jobsworths and want a [zb]’ smacking.

Half 3 in the afternoon I eventually got a call requesting me to move my trailer, note signed 11.40, I explained that they will be paying until I leave the yard based on PDA / tracker info and they walked past me for their dinner at 12pm, so could’ve told me, he said why should we, £120 reasons why :unamused: 4hrs extra demurrage

Looks like I spoke to soon on that job, booked in for it again today at 0830, got into work to a flat battery, jump started, went to job, got there at 0831, they asked for keys, I refused, went through it all again, now the planner at the contract I’m on is insisting on me handing keys over, told them they’ll have to go through my company, but I can see the company bending over.

Now, is it worth losing my job over is the question? My laptop battery is 13%, so would get around 10 mins before it’s dead, charger’s 12v which requires ignition, want to lock truck up if I go the loo etc… But, is it worth losing job over.

I’m really thinking it is

Got to say that if you knew you were heading back there, why didn’t you make sure your items charged before getting there?

Totally understand the point about wanting to lock the truck etc, but if you took the ignition key off the bunch, would they notice?

I think they would, yes, because they remembered me from last time, noticed they were car keys last time and were just out for trouble.

Company has told me to take box back to Freightliner and pick up a different job to do, not sure what the repercussions are gonna be, but might be job hunting next week, might go back on National Express :smiley:

I think I’ve just got fed up of being treated like an idiot or a piece of [zb] by these [zb] morons.

Because of course you won’t be treated like an idiot or piece of crap on Nat Ex work, will you? With your 20+ cameras on the coach that monitor your every move, plus the nice little system that monitors exactly how you are driving and feeds it direct back to Nat Ex. Not to mention the charming passengers that you will meet!
