There’s another truckers forum where you can gob off all you like at each other, do a search for it.
Theres more than one,
and I have always been happy to pass the links on via private message to anyone who requests them.
We came in for a lot of criticism at the start of this year for allowing the trolling, supposed funny one liners and the personal attacks, we freely admit we, for a while, let things go too far.
We know have a far more robust standard that we enforce, and it seems that much of the bickering has died down. 99% of members do not see any of this as they post in a civil and respectable manner- those that don’t swiftly find out that disrupting and attempting to ruin others use of this website is no longer tolerated- and then they complain that they cant continue posting in the manner they did.
As I said earlier, TruckNet is not a democracy, there is no freedom of speech here- we have a standard of civility that we ask users to adher too, if they cant then we assist by scrutinising their posts before they appear publicaly, there is no charge for this service - however once signed up for this service there is no way off except by adjusting the way you post to the website.
There is an appeal procedure, which involves writing to the complaints manager (me) - I will then place your appeal on the appeal pile and ignore it until your standard of posting improves and the team no longer have to edit/disallow your posts
If your not happy with that you could always stamp your feet in a huff and demand your account and all your posts be deleted- sorry we don’t do that either- if you want to appeal that decision please write to the complaints manager (me) who will place your request on the account deletion pile and ignore it (as I said we don’t do that)
The message is folks, TruckNet is not a free for all for you to post as you wish - keep it civil, respectable and true then you will never have an issue
Now is there anything else that needs to be explained or we can help anyone with? be quick , as I really want to bugger off to the pub and ignore this non issue