Dont let anybody accuse you of anything you haven't done

Last week my boss rung me up while i was out and asked me if i recalled doing any damage to a barn at one of our farms. It’s the one reverse i hate doing with a passion, and always takes me a couple of attempts to get in.

Anyway, i said i didn’t know anything about it, or at least i didn’t feel or hear anything at the time, and he then asked me if i had struggled to get in at any point on that day, which i admitted to having a bit of a struggle everytime i go there, and on the trailer i had, the offside indicator lense had been smashed.
I hadn’t noticed this on my morning checks, so i then started asking myself if i could have done it, so i said it could have been me and i filled in an accident report and insurance details sheet.

For the last week i’ve been worrying that my boss thought i was trying to wriggle out it by denying it and was going to sacked, the atmosphere in the yard hasn’t been that great since between me and other drivers either. One of them had been there since and said whoever hit it would have known about it, such was the damage to the barn.

Anyway, i get called into the office today by the area manager, thnking i was going to be out the door, but turns out the farmer had rung up, and one of his workers had admitted to hitting it with a tractor and trailer, and offered a full apology to me, and the accident report etc had been ripped up by him personally :smiley:

It hasn’t done my confidence any good,i’ve been tip toeing round ever since and being over cautious when reversing, but a huge weight has been lifted and i can go back to cocking up and laughing about it :grimacing:

C-kay i am the first but not the last NO one is perfect
we all make and will in the future make mistakes , just
try to relax and not get too stressed out, If you are unsure of a area
before going in Stop,Park -up, Walk -in and have a look
this time will be well worth it, We used to deliver to a bad site
in Hastings which was bloody horrible some days went okay others
every thing went wrong, take it slow and easy mate ,
as you wrote you are now feeling better great , just a tip if you do have
a little bump take pictures for later on , to show what damage if any was done,
saves problems later on,

yeh taking pictures is a biggy, i hit a car in a tight spot in bath with my swing, the driver said he could see what i was trying to do but he didnt want to move over, anyway there was only a tiny scratch and his back light was smashed, i had hit him with the indicater bar at the back, so we get a bill through the other day for 670quid, i mean for such little damage it would of only cost what ever t-cut is these days and a new rear lense.

C-Kay, follow these 3 simple rules and you will be fine :smiley:

Rule 2:- SEE RULE 1
Rule 3:- SEE RULE 2

:smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

on the downside you have found out HOW NICE your fellow drivers are WHAT A BUNCH OF ****s i hate that in a workplace

on the downside you have found out HOW NICE your fellow drivers are WHAT A BUNCH OF ****s i hate that in a workplace

In our place you would have just had the p*** taken.

Hmmm, maybe that sounds worse than i meant, it wasn’t as if they werent talking to me or anything, but there was damage to my trailer lense, and in fairness, everything did point towards me. Now they know i’m honest and dont lie it shouldn’t happen again, i’ve always admitted everything i’ve done (cracked a mirror, damaged mirror casing etc) the minute i got back to the yard, so hopefully they now trust me fully.

I’m just thankful the farmer phoned up, he could have quite easily kept quiet and claimed off our insurance. There are some good guys out there :smiley:

so the big question is How did you damage the lens :question: :blush:

he hit the chicken shed on the way out !!..joke,fair play to the farmer.

C-Kay, you’re not alone in asking much of that stuff, mate …but don’t let it compound: Maybe get a cheap (heart threatening?) bag of do-nuts & the brew’s in to wipe the smarm off the herbert’s faces that you’re lumbered with?

Seeing this:

Trucker beads:
‘… the driver said he could see what i was trying to do but he didnt want to move over…’

and him not hitting his horn surely nullifies any insurance cough-up?