Donald Trump on Truckers

I don’t believe that there are still some deluded souls out there who believe politicians. Any politician. They all lie, and backtrack like it goes out of fashion, to protect their cushy little earner. Those very, very few who are sincere, have absolutely no hope in hell of ever, ever making a difference. Politics is a corrupt facade for what is effectively an autocratic government.

the nodding donkey:
I don’t believe that there are still some deluded souls out there who believe politicians. Any politician. They all lie, and backtrack like it goes out of fashion, to protect their cushy little earner. Those very, very few who are sincere, have absolutely no hope in hell of ever, ever making a difference. Politics is a corrupt facade for what is effectively an autocratic government.

AH, but youre forgetting Trump isnt a politician. He cant be, after all, he said hes not.

If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, its a duck. If it looks like a politician, talks like a politician, and has a ducks name…

AH, but youre forgetting Trump isnt a politician. He cant be, after all, he said hes not.

If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, its a duck. If it looks like a politician, LIES like a politician, and has a ducks name…

FTFY :grimacing:

Can you imagine our PM telling truckers " Don’t worry, I know the roads are knackered and full of potholes, but I’ll get them fixed " ? :neutral_face:

Can you imagine our PM telling truckers " Don’t worry, I know the roads are knackered and full of potholes, but I’ll get them fixed " ? :neutral_face:

Yeah, but not without her bursting into fits of laughter as she says it !

the nodding donkey:
I don’t believe that there are still some deluded souls out there who believe politicians. Any politician. They all lie, and backtrack like it goes out of fashion, to protect their cushy little earner. Those very, very few who are sincere, have absolutely no hope in hell of ever, ever making a difference. Politics is a corrupt facade for what is effectively an autocratic government.

It’s political tradition that the politicians that are sincere and always tell the truth - are labelled with terms like “Fascist” because they talk tough of crackdowns, and rigid enforcement.
The politicians that lie however - get believed because of “Hope” that “This one is different” when deep down - we all know we’ll pay a heavy price for daring to trust another likely liar yet again…

Look at how people continued to elect Blair - even AFTER Iraq…
Look at how people re-elected Reagan in 1984 when it was obvious he was going senile by that point…
Look at how people re-elected Major in 1992 despite blowing over a billion on Black Wednesday months after the “Win”… Another chancellor like Gordon Brown who should have stayed in that job, and kept away from the PM job. He should have stayed in the Treasury to clean up his own mess of getting us into the ERM and signing up to Maastrict. :imp:

Tory or Labour. Better or worse stewards of the public finances?
We always end up finding out too late that they are both full of crap when it comes to keeping promises about money.
Yet we still insist on electing one main party over the other - in case the hated party gets in by the backdoor otherwise.

Hammond’s attempts to raise NICs even slightly from the self-employed - were met with such derision, that the Tories will now end up plugging the gap that age-old Labour way -

…Just borrow some more money. Rinse and repeat. :frowning:

We could do with a Businessman and a Gambler in government ourselves.
Someone who’s never known hardship and “is never a betting person” - just doesn’t command our respect any more.

You need to tell the truth 100% of the time if you “won’t take risks”.

All fall short though.



Do away with regs? Freedom to run even longer hours?

is what id vote for…a free for all…

My standard answer to most of your posts Andrew.
You are an owner driver, we aint ! . :bulb: :smiley:



the nodding donkey:


Sounds like hes still in campaign mode: "Youre all wonderful people. I`ll make things better."
No mention of what, or how, or when, or costings etc. Do away with regs? Freedom to run even longer hours? Wonderful.
I expect Pat Haslar will have summat to say about the threat to ObamaCare.

Maybe give him a chance to lay out his proposals before condeming them or putting a negative spin on it.
It would be great post Brexit if someone stood up and simplified all the over complicated EU regulation ■■■■■■■■ that we have to endure.
Mind you, after saying that you would still get the ‘turkeys voting for Christmas’ less intelligent type drivers advocating for what you suggest, running for even longer hours, instead of decreasing them and fighting to get pay in line with the new regs.

Evil8Beezle, you’ll have to break it to him gently, but I think the time has come…

He won’t, …he knows I don’t take any notice. :smiley:

Trump is a f***g ct, you people have no idea, he wants to reduce the wages for us, he wants to enforce the pay by the mile rules and no pay for waiting for loads, he wants to take away the healthcare from 20 million people who can’t afford anything else. Trumps new healthcare system would mean people loosing there homes because poor health and the treatment means we could not afford the cost of treatment.
I have cancer and the outrageous costs of my treatment would mean that people like me will be left to die. The greedy Republican run health insurance companies that make billions from premiums and once you get sick will drop your cover and let you die. My own treatment so far for the past 4 months come to $250,000.00 and my new drug has a cost of $15,000.00 a month which is disgusting. My insurance company would just stop all payments if Trumps ridiculous health care law came in to force. All he wants to do is cut taxes for billionaires by way of a tax credit, for the poor working man such as myself the tax credit will be only $4,000.00 a year and he expects that $4,000.00 to cover our health costs.
NEVER EVER criticize the NHS, it is the best system on the planet and don’t ever think Trump gives a dam about truck drivers.

Pat Hasler:
Trump is a f***g ct, you people have no idea, he wants to reduce the wages for us, he wants to enforce the pay by the mile rules and no pay for waiting for loads, he wants to take away the healthcare from 20 million people who can’t afford anything else. Trumps new healthcare system would mean people loosing there homes because poor health and the treatment means we could not afford the cost of treatment.
I have cancer and the outrageous costs of my treatment would mean that people like me will be left to die. The greedy Republican run health insurance companies that make billions from premiums and once you get sick will drop your cover and let you die. My own treatment so far for the past 4 months come to $250,000.00 and my new drug has a cost of $15,000.00 a month which is disgusting. My insurance company would just stop all payments if Trumps ridiculous health care law came in to force. All he wants to do is cut taxes for billionaires by way of a tax credit, for the poor working man such as myself the tax credit will be only $4,000.00 a year and he expects that $4,000.00 to cover our health costs.
NEVER EVER criticize the NHS, it is the best system on the planet and don’t ever think Trump gives a dam about truck drivers.

You and I don’t agree on much but this is the best post I’ve seen on here about Trump. Agree 100%, esp about the NHS, which I’ve always said is one of the best things ever created