Doing my class 1

TTX boy:
My advice is…save your money and don’t get into driving trucks for a living!
Crap money,long hours and away from your friends and family while you sleep in a tin box for £20 per night.

Was you not aware of this when you handed over your readies to learn and pass your hgv? :confused: Also I wouldn’t say the money is crap for the job we do i.e sat on our arse for 60+ hours a week.
Makes me laugh when people say things like this, as though they have been blinded by ■■■■■■■■ such as “You will only work for 8 hours a day, earning £800+ and be paid to sleep in 5 star luxury”

Harry Monk:
No, just listen to your instructor, reversing an artic is totally different to reversing a rigid but you’ll soon get the hang of it.

Just like one of those trick “reverse steering” bicycles on Brighton seafront, you have to get used to turning the steering wheel the wrong way. :wink:

Hiya…now listen Harry Monk…i tried to ride a trick bike and failed, SO i made one of my own, so when i next saw
a trick bike i could win a few quid (i wanted to shock the owner of the bike really)well 20 years on i still cant ride the
flaming thing properly. i have had some laughs with it as i used to take it with me in the truck so when i was on a
night out i would be on a ind est practicing but its hard…i have a one wheeler and that,s worse i,ve had that 10 years
and can’t ride it.i hope the ryan090 dose better or hell be retired before he passes his test


Take a little more room at roundabouts/traffic lights/junctions and if you need to straddle the lanes, do it. The trailer needs room to turn. Give plenty of indication to the road users behind. Oil your neck as the instructor loves plenty of mirror obs.
Reversing, well we are all still making errors, if you have to take another shunt…no problem. Another shunt or bend a t bar/crack a light ■■?

You can drive a truck forward and apart from swinging out and observation it’s not a lot different.

Oh dear…sounds like you do not even know how to go forward correctly!

you know nothing about me you pompous prat. I merely offered some advice so the bloke doesn’t get in a artic and loose heart because he can’t get it on a bay.
The amount of posts of new drivers who struggle with the reverse on this forum in numerous. Modern trucks can be driven forward by any competant driver, the sweat comes in when you have a bunch of hairy arsed drivers watching you struggle to get on a bay. I am suggesting that he merely asks the instructor to give them proper instruction and for them to experience exactly how quick or slow a trailer moves. How little or more you need to whip the wheel round . My instruction was similar to " turn it 2 turns to the right straighten it up, then two turns to the left and it will go in. ". Taught me nothing about the realities of getting on a bay between two units with limited space.

So if you have no useful comments why not shut the [zb] up

Maybe not but why such a silly comment about going forwards? Not sure what you mean when you say the sweat comes when trying to get on a bay.
Personally I have never had a problem putting an artic on a bay probably because I had good training and plenty practice at reversing before taking any test.
It is no big deal reversing an artic.Anyone can do it with a little practice even thick 17 year old females have managed after a little training.
Now stop getting your knickers in a twist.

A shame we are not all as good as you. An instant driving god. We bow in your presence.

A shame we are not all as good as you. An instant driving god. We bow in your presence.

Ah at last a sensible comment…lol… :smiley:

The reverse exercise in lessons and tests is a joke, absolutely no help to you when your in the real world of a tight spot, also ask yer instructor if you can spin the truck on a 6 pence as I had to turn in a tight yard and had no idea how little room a truck can be turned in.

The reverse exercise in lessons and tests is a joke, absolutely no help to you when your in the real world of a tight spot, also ask yer instructor if you can spin the truck on a 6 pence as I had to turn in a tight yard and had no idea how little room a truck can be turned in.

So what do you propose toby? In the old days when there was driver training there was time to spend plenty time showing different aspects of reversing but now with so little time it is not possible.
Have you ever tried to train someone in a limited period of time? It is far from easy especially if they are a bit slow in learning.
Any bright ideas toby?


The reverse exercise in lessons and tests is a joke, absolutely no help to you when your in the real world of a tight spot, also ask yer instructor if you can spin the truck on a 6 pence as I had to turn in a tight yard and had no idea how little room a truck can be turned in.

So what do you propose toby? In the old days when there was driver training there was time to spend plenty time showing different aspects of reversing but now with so little time it is not possible.
Have you ever tried to train someone in a limited period of time? It is far from easy especially if they are a bit slow in learning.By the way I have had plenty trainees who find the current training adequate.
Any bright ideas toby?

apologies for the double post.

The reverse exercise in lessons and tests is a joke, absolutely no help to you when your in the real world of a tight spot, also ask yer instructor if you can spin the truck on a 6 pence as I had to turn in a tight yard and had no idea how little room a truck can be turned in.

Exactly my point. Why does he have to suggest a way to teach it. A couple of hours is better than none.

Thanks for the advice. My boss said if I want I can go straight to work after my lessons and use an artic to practise all I want

Jjx boy, it’s not money and staying at home etc I want, I would much rather do a job that I love and be somewhere new everyday than have a job I hate and be miserable.
I know it’s not what most people think but I would much rather be a trucker, do all long hours but enjoy my job and have a nice truck than be at home every day and hate a job