
I arrived back in the yard at 10pm on tuesday. As usual there is nowhere to park a rigid, the only space being blocked by an Iveco 7.5 tonner. So, I jump in the 7.5t, thinking if I reverse it into a smaller space, I can park my rigid next to it. Easy! Right, reverse is over to the far left, past 2nd. Hmmm, it doesn’t go in on the 1st attempt, try again. Doesn’t go into reverse on the 2nd attempt either, or the 3rd or the 4th! :imp: :imp: In the end I lose my rag (after a lot of Iveco cursing) and park it the other side of the yard blocking 2 units in (well, it is late).

I caught the driver wednesday morning and asked him how the hell he get’s the bloody reverse gear! He said, 'it’s easy, a nice smooth box, just don’t take any notice of the markings on top of the stick ‘cos it’s different to that!’

I can just imagine a driver pulling across a main road ready to back into a side street, blocking all the traffic, and not being able to find reverse!

…I caught the driver wednesday morning and asked him how the hell he get’s the bloody reverse gear! He said, 'it’s easy, a nice smooth box, just don’t take any notice of the markings on top of the stick ‘cos it’s different to that!’…

Some of our Iveco’s have completely different gearbox arrangements, depending on whether it has 4,5,6 or 7 forward gears! :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

First time I took the 3.5 and the 4.5 tonners out I could not find reverse! Oh, it’s above 1st…

One of them even has reverse in the middle far left :exclamation: :exclamation: :exclamation: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: WTF! Hmm. It depends on who has repaired the truck when the last gearbox broke… :frowning:

Next time try all the gears until you find the one you want :slight_smile: :slight_smile: Works for me :smiley:

In Ivecos, I have found that it can be extremely difficult to get reverse, even if you know where it is!

In Ivecos, I have found that it can be extremely difficult to get reverse, even if you know where it is!

At least you’ve tried. Where I work it is not uncommon to come in early in the morning to find you have shift 4-5 trucks to get yours out…

Still, all the keys are in one place so as long as you get the synchronisation right you can start them all up, wait for the air, then move them enough to get yours out… you get the picture :frowning: That could easily wipe out an hour off your day :frowning: :frowning:

In Ivecos, I have found that it can be extremely difficult to get reverse, even if you know where it is!

true,very true.

Being a bit of a weakling…I once drove a eurotech with a slap over box which I ended up using two hands and my bodyweight behind it to get into reverse.

Nice to know I’m not the only one to have trouble with Iveco gearbox’s. Having said that I drove two new ones last night, brillaint like driving a car, think they were 17 tonners not sure though.

Our 7.5 ton Iveco has a similar gearbox (I think it’s a “feature” of the make. Sometimes reverse drops in, other times it needs 2 hands.

I was having to shunt on a garage forecourt today as an idle motorist had left his car right in my turning area. He was still sitting in it as well. Should have leant on the horn!

Could I find reverse? could I ? Then when I did eventually get it in and backed up I couldn’t find first.

Been spoilt with a Renault Middlin, with a much nicer box. Should get it back after the hols.


Thankfully whilst I do have problem vehicles I have now almost managed to get used to them now.

I’ve got a MAN on Monday which will be a real luxury compared, and then Tues-Fri I’ve got an Iveco that’s a bit old but at the same time is dependable.

You watch. Now I’ve made this comment it’s going to have a hydraulic/major engine failure/problem at the most inconvientient time :frowning: (ie hometime) :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :unamused: :laughing:

dump it

going home time is no time for trickery reversing

no room or difficult then dump it

you wont get paid any more or less :wink: