Doggy styling

Firstly it’s not what you think.

Just seen this programme advertised on Channel 4.

Spray painting dogs and covering them in ■■■■■■■ all sorts of crap.

Mrs TT is a dog lover as am I. It’s ■■■■■■■ cruelty what these bellends are doing.

Anyone else?

Totally agree.

Although if you’d seen my dogs face yesterday morning as I spooned the Chum into her bowl, you’d swear she was being abused. She’s been living off turkey since Christmas and wasn’t overly impressed with the offerings from the tin. Bit like my daughter’s face when confronted with a sprout.

I’m from your neck of the woods TT , remember well driving through Bridgwater one day and spotting a dog grooming business called "■■■■■■■■■■■ ", only in Bridgwater :unamused: (it did grab my attention though :laughing: )

I’ve seen that place as well I’m sure I have. They’ve got a mobile one now

Tipper Tom:
I’ve seen that place as well I’m sure I have. They’ve got a mobile one now

Are you saying they do it in laybys now? :laughing: