Does night work damage your health?


I’m convinced that it does.

It’s not natural for humans to sleep by day.

I always felt crap on regular nights - nothing specific - just crap.

I never felt better than when I dumped the night shift.

I wonder if night men die younger ? ? ?

They’re certainly more likely to fall asleep at the wheel and
that must kill quite a few of us.

I asked this once before and the overwhelming response was “no it doesnt, you just have to adjust your day by 8 or 10 or whatever hours”

Thing is, I keep hearing on the news and reading on the internet that night work DOES harm your health. Higher blood pressure, weight gain, fatigue, microsleeps(very scary if its happened to you) ,depression you name it.

Your body produces sleep hormones when the sun goes down and wake up hormones when the sun goes up. It’s natures way … every other animal on earth sleeps at the same time as the rest of their species except humans. Some animals sleep at night, some sleep during the day. Humans are designed to sleep at night and operate during the day.

It’s not natural to work at night and it should be recognized as an occupational health hazard, but of course, there is always someone willing to do your job for less if you protest.



I’m convinced that it does.

It’s not natural for humans to sleep by day.

I always felt crap on regular nights - nothing specific - just crap.

I never felt better than when I dumped the night shift.

I wonder if night men die younger ? ? ?

They’re certainly more likely to fall asleep at the wheel and
that must kill quite a few of us.

Yep, if you work permanent nights for 10 years or more expect to die 4 yrs earlier and if you are left handed 7yrs !!! According to a study we got about 15 yrs ago !!!

Try working shifts that include nights.

2 weeks of days followed by a week of nights.

Almost 20 years of it and still find it hard.


Well of course it does, human beings are designed to be awake by day and asleep at night. You might as well ask " Would it be detrimental to the health of badgers to no longer be nocturnal animals but to be forced to run around during daytime and sleep at night?"

Harry Monk:


Well of course it does, human beings are designed to be awake by day and asleep at night. You might as well ask " Would it be detrimental to the health of badgers to no longer be nocturnal animals but to be forced to run around during daytime and sleep at night?"

So what about people who are born to hunt Badgers :question:

I think it’s horses for courses, some people’s circadian rythym works on early starts, some on late, some on days, some on nights.

It’s the chopping and changing that causes the problems IMHO :wink:

I’ve only ever seen a live badger at night.

Humans have evolved from apes to be daytime dwellers and night time sleepers. It’s only since the industrial revolution a mere 200 years ago that humans have been forced in to accepting night work. 200 years is simply not enough time to evolve to that lifestyle. Fossil evidence suggests modern humans appeared 200 THOUSAND years ago … ie we have not changed much in 200000 years. 200 years is not enough time to adapt to a permanent night time life style.

I have been working nights for over 2 years now and have never felt worse

Your whole life becomes work related on monday i wake up at 11am - midday and then i wait around for 10 hours
before i start work ( now what day shift worker would get up at 11pm on sunday for a 9am monday start )

i work 5 nights and finish on Saturday at around 9am - 10 am i then rush home to get a few hours sleep and then up at around
2pm i then squeeze breakfast , dinner and a few beers in before midnight when i am knackered

Sunday is my only day off but my body does not quite no where it is

Repeat the above the following week

I guess 4 on 3 off or 4 on 4 off is not to bad but 5 nights is lethal

I’ve only ever seen a live badger at night.

Humans have evolved from apes to be daytime dwellers and night time sleepers. It’s only since the industrial revolution a mere 200 years ago that humans have been forced in to accepting night work. 200 years is simply not enough time to evolve to that lifestyle. Fossil evidence suggests modern humans appeared 200 THOUSAND years ago … ie we have not changed much in 200000 years. 200 years is not enough time to adapt to a permanent night time life style.

In fact, although the Industrial Revolution started in the early 1800’s, virtually everything shut down at night until about 30 years ago. Even 40 years ago the only people who regularly worked at night were nurses and power station workers. At some point, the moneyed classes figured that they could make even more dosh if they could persuade the plebs to run around 24/7 and of course the plebs tugged their forelocks, obeyed their masters and sucked it up.

I used yo work two weeks on days then two weeks on nights, I hated trying to shift my body clock on the change around weekends to suit the following shift. I’ve now been working regular nights for two and a half years and initially thought “at least it’s regular, so no changing patterns” but I would now gladly go back to my old shift tomorrow !!
Health wise I don’t feel any different from when I did regular days (other than being older now) I cycle 8 miles to work and try to eat well in the week.

For the first 2 years I was fine (and like you, Darb I used to cycle in to work and eat well), but since June this year I have been tired and aching and irritable permanently. I had two weeks holiday off in July and for the second week I slept for 18 hours a day felt like I completely wasted the second week of my holiday. I guess these unnatural hours have to be paid back at some point.

its bollox!! its all down to the individual, I have done 15 years+ permanent nights and health wise i was a lot better, fitter ect on nights then I am now on days… I used to get about 8 hours of quality sleep during the day and that was plenty, now working days and my nights sleep is broken, and at times feel extremely tired during my day… even stupid bugs like a cold or a dose of the ■■■■■■ i get easily on days, whilst on nights i rarely got any illness ect.

its bollox!! its all down to the individual, I have done 15 years+ permanent nights and health wise i was a lot better, fitter ect on nights then I am now on days… I used to get about 8 hours of quality sleep during the day and that was plenty, now working days and my nights sleep is broken, and at times feel extremely tired during my day… even stupid bugs like a cold or a dose of the [zb] i get easily on days, whilst on nights i rarely got any illness ect.

Thats just old age catching up with you mate :smiling_imp:

Yep with the amount of caffeine I drink :neutral_face:

Harry Monk:

I’ve only ever seen a live badger at night.

Humans have evolved from apes to be daytime dwellers and night time sleepers. It’s only since the industrial revolution a mere 200 years ago that humans have been forced in to accepting night work. 200 years is simply not enough time to evolve to that lifestyle. Fossil evidence suggests modern humans appeared 200 THOUSAND years ago … ie we have not changed much in 200000 years. 200 years is not enough time to adapt to a permanent night time life style.

In fact, although the Industrial Revolution started in the early 1800’s, virtually everything shut down at night until about 30 years ago. Even 40 years ago the only people who regularly worked at night were nurses and power station workers. At some point, the moneyed classes figured that they could make even more dosh if they could persuade the plebs to run around 24/7 and of course the plebs tugged their forelocks, obeyed their masters and sucked it up.

+1 :wink:

I worked 10 weeks on the night shift on a construction site a few years ago , 7pm to 7am , it is no good to your health , like was said before , humans are not nocturnal, we need natural light & sun for vitamin D intake amongst other things …

IMO if you like night work no it does not, I retired 5yrs ago after 30yrs of days and night shifts
the last 10yrs regular night shifts, if you don’t think its natural then you aint ever going to like night work, personally I loved working nights, each to their own, and Im fit as a fiddle apart from
growing older, apart from that it has never affected me.

Yes messed me up for sure, did 4years of it.

I don’t care, I love driving at night, in fact I’m less tired working an equivalent length shift than a day one…