Just submitted for our little girls primary school choices for September 2010, does anyone know roughly when the decisions are made and the news [good/bad/otherwise] is passed on to parents?? I’d imagine it is roughly the same time each year so if anyone has recently gone through the process if you could let me know when you found out would be most grateful.
Still can’t get over how quickly the time has gone, she will be 4 tomorrow and it seems like only yesterday we found out we had a bundle of ‘joy’ on the way
Hi Garnerlives,
According to the letter I got with my daughters preference form the schools will be sending out letters advising of the outcome on Friday 12th March 2010 ( fingers crossed the postal strike will be over by then! )
Could I just ask is you daughter moving up in the school ranks ie primary to secondary?
As we received no details or anything telling us when or how to apply for schools, which I found strange, but maybe as she isn’t in the school system yet that could be why?
My daughter is due to start primary next September ( she will be 4 next March). I didn’t recieve any information either about how to register her with a school so I just rang the school and applied direct with them ( still had to fill the form in naming 3 schools in preference order.)
I looked up the local schools Ofsted reports to get an idea of how good they are as we have only lived in Widnes for 2 years so I am not familiar with them myself. I have my fingers crossed that my daughter gets into my first choice school as I already have her on their waiting list (although it was already oversubscribed by 5 pupils) and she has attended the pre school there since September.
Happy birthday to your daughter, hope she has a lovely day!
Our first choice for Rachel’s primary school was a lovely village school a few miles from where we live, being a village school there aren’t many places up for grabs, 25 in total, however 10 of these places were going to children who attend the nursery at the school already so 15 places up for grabs for other children.
According to the website which lets you know the placements, she has been allocated a place at the school we’re absolutely delighted