Does anyone know if j14-13 m1 is shut again tonight?

anyone, cant find it on net :question:

southbound I mean I know n/b will be but that won’t affect me in the morning on way back up

Any good mate?

couldn’t see any night closures listed on it. Might chance it, only slight detour onto round mk down to j13 if it still is closed, or nip down a5 like last night, decisions decisions… :unamused: :laughing:

anyone, cant find it on net :question:

Hope not, cause that’ll mean our Fords’ll be late again… :imp:

i think its closed southbound weds/thurs/fri/sat.?

we went down the A5 from crick to j9 and on to the m25 to kent and the journey time was almost the same… :slight_smile:

the sign said its closed fri/sat/sun/mon northbound too.