Dodds Transport .

Have recently noticed Dodds Transport running units ( MANs ) , are they up and running again , anyone any there know about them ?.

Based out of Hailsham, E Sussex?

Error thought I saw Dobbs not Dodds.

thought they went bust,bit of a cowboy outfit when I was with them at southall in the nineties

thought they went bust,bit of a cowboy outfit when I was with them at southall in the nineties

I always believed them to have been an old established company that were based in Acton remember them having a smart fleet at that time . Thy expanded and bought over other hauliers opening depots in Yorkshire etc with some well known household named customers ,they did go bust of few years ago but I definitely noted a photograph on Facebook of a new model MAN with the old Dodds logo of crossed union jack /EEC flags .