Hi and I hope you can forgive this intrusion on your forum…
I’ve been reading a lot of the threads with interest as I’m planning the production of a short (20-30 minute) documentary about professional truck drivers.
I’m posting to see if anyone on here would be interested in participating.
I’m looking for a range of drivers who are willing to invite me into their vehicle for one long journey within the UK. I would ask all kinds of questions on camera about the trucker lifestyle but also just invite drivers to talk openly about how they feel about their job, the changes in the industry, the roads, the service stations, the things they witness, the other people on the roads…and anything else that takes their fancy. I’m interested in painting a picture of Britain from the unique perspectives of long distance drivers.
It would be possible to do this anonymously (as just a voice) if anyone feels they have things they want to say that they wouldn’t want bosses or anyone else to link back to them. However, I would prefer it if participants weren’t anonymous.
The film, once finished, will be distributed on the internet via various social networks, video sharing sites and documentary sites. It will also be shown around a series of film and documentary festivals with the hope of generating interest from broadcasters and distributors. We may also look at doing special screenings around the country and may enter the film or a shorter version into competitions for emerging filmmakers. I’m afraid we can’t offer any payment for your contribution - we’ll be making this off our own backs in an attempt to build up our track record before moving on to bigger, funded projects of a similar nature.
As an example of the kind of film this will be, you might like to watch the trailer for ‘The Solitary Life of Cranes’ here - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dN8KvjNiFTU.
If this sounds of interest, please do drop me a line - ed@sortoffilms.co.uk is the best way to get me. Or feel free to PM me on here.
Thanks for your time!
Please note, Rikki-UK has given permission for me to post this.
I watched the program on cranes and I thought it was very well put together and gave a great point of view from the crane driver.
It’s a shame I’m no longer doing long distance because I would happily appear on your program
There have been numerous attempts to engage drivers/forum members in various projects. I think they were unanimously rejected out of hand. There is an issue of trust and many drivers feel they’ll end up being shown in a less than favourable light. I sense this is different. I enjoyed the short clip about crane drivers and certainly think there’s potential for an interesting project. I can’t help myself as I do agency work and wouldn’t be able to make any sort of arrangements as I get fairly short notice as to where I will be working. I hope you get a good response to this and look forward to the finished result.
FAO everyone. Before you shoot this guy down in flames read what he has said and think about it.
I would love to do it…but am afraid my bosses would not allow it, in case i said too much about them, thats all it would be is fear…i`m on a last warning disciplinary for posting on t/Net already, items the firm thought was derogatory…sorry…
You should post this in the owner drivers forum as most employed drivers probably wouldn’t be allowed to have a cameraman accompany them.
I would do it gladly, but being agency and not having my own truck, can’t!
You should post this in the owner drivers forum as most employed drivers probably wouldn’t be allowed to have a cameraman accompany them.
I doubt anyone with a camera would be allowed past the gatehouse or reception of many customers either, but the film about cranes was good, so let us hope the same thing could be done, anything to put us in a good light would be beneficial.
Just hide the camera and smuggle him in & out tucked up on the top bunk. Can’t help you as I’m not much of a talker.
I watched the crane documentary on channel 4 a while back, whilst it was good and quite interesting, I felt the focus was too much on trying to be arty, and often the soundtrack/ambience seemed to drown out the speech of the guys, me and the g/f had to switch over after a while as it got too irritating. Such a shame that wasn’t picked up on in post production.
I’d be interested in seeing the results of a truck drivers documentary, but can’t offer to help as i’ve only been in the job ten minutes.
Can I nominate Scannyfanny? It would be good for a laugh if nothing else! Or DAF95?
44 Tonne Ton:
Can I nominate Scannyfanny? It would be good for a laugh if nothing else! Or DAF95?
I think it is supposed to be informative, not depressive
i’ll do it. how long can you stay awake for? do you scare easily?
it sounds like fun.
Sorry I’ve not been about in a while folks - been muchas ■■■■■■■ with other projects but am trying to put some more time into this now…
I don’t believe in showing people in a bad light for the sake of it or making films that are fundamentally judgemental of and condescending towards a whole group of people. I treat people as individuals. That’s rule #1 as far as I’m concerned. If someone acts like a nob on camera and an audience sees it and thinks “he’s a nob”, there’s not much I can do about that! But I’m sure that would never be the case with you fine lot.
I guess one person’s art/artfulness is another’s tedium or pretentiousness. There’s not much way around that. Personally, I don’t think The Solitary Life of Cranes would have worked half as well without the clever use of atmospheric sound design/music, the balletic photography and the very deliberate pace. It gives us a chance to get inside the experience subjectively rather than just observing these operators objectively. And I guess that’s where there’s a similarity in what I want to do. I want to make a film that reflects the long distance experience from the driver’s point of view as much as possible (albeit mediated through my own experience riding alongside).
I wouldn’t be asking anyone to slag off their bosses - don’t reckon that would be very wise. So perhaps you’re right, perhaps I need to find owner drivers for this…
Cheers for your thoughts anyway! Thanks for not totally shooting me down…haha.