Do You think UK Roads are Dangerous?

Whey man that’s coz yee divvent knaar how to taak proper like, roond here we caal them tairbs like y’narr, nowt wrang wi’autocensor noo like marra.

Nah Maoster is a stange type of Geordie who undergone conversion therapy to become a Smoggie he tells me.
That aint the only strange part either,… he’s a Geordie who doesnt like football. :flushed:

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Geordie living on Teesside who doesn’t like football?

@maoster - kindred spirit! :+1:

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Are we not all “careful” and “constantly on the lookout” for dodgy stuff going on whilst we drive in any part of the world that isn’t fully protected by decent-prescence law enforcement?

Social change is happening all around us.
In just the last years SINCE the lockdown it is now deemed socially OK to do the following, where just a few years before - things were different. (Old outgoing in brackets)

Now: Considered Normal for Police officers to abuse, ■■■■, and ultimately murder womenfolk. (The Police used to be where decent people went to be protected FROM such criminal activity!)

Now: Perfectly OK to be Anti-Semitic in plain sight (people who were holocaust deniers just a few short years ago - would face JAIL for that stance!)

Now: Those on benefits are treated better if they STAY on benefits… (You used to be encouratged to get a job, any job - and the Government would “make work pay”. That’s been turned on it’s head by the Taper, and huge pressure on recent benefit applicants to “forget it, and get off our system asap!”.)

The Left now supports outfits like Momentum/Azov/Antifa whereas back in the day - Russia used to be supported by the Leftist cause.
What’s changed? - Russia now upholds the banner of Right-eousness, whilst the rest of the world’s Right - now gets lamblasted if they even think of doing anything bar condemn the East’s no longer Godless stance…

Getting Nuked - used to be about Russian devices doing the nuking.
These days, a US device would blow us all up IF it were thought that these Islands say, went over to “White God-Fearing Right” that is trying to happen in America also right now, but isn’t there yet.
Trump could still lose/die/succumb later this year, leaving "non practicing vs actual faithful adherants to the same religions…

What’s the difference between “Non Practicing” and “Satanic” at this point?

I reckon there are even pretend or “non practicing” ATHEISTS - how about THAT for a concept?

There’s not going to be many evil people around who’ll stand up and be counted for that… So much easier to “Blend in” and go with whatever seems the most popular voiced creed stance at that moment… Yes?

Keep an eye on Social Change near you then.
It’s something subtle, that creeps up on us.

The world has changed a LOT these past 5 years, now that people during the lockdown have learned to use the Internet better, and question everything they now get fed on legacy media…

All that has happened is the internet is used as a weapon to silence those that would call a spade a spade. The other change due to lock down is companies closed down those that decided life was too short to work have retired early or work from home in minor ways this left a skills gap so those the lower end of the work force with a brain cell and actually gave a crap were able to move up into higher roles creating lower paid jobs to be filled with the inept and the god awful that were on benefits. which is why its now like pulling teeth yo get the simplest thing sorted and because of the me to entitled woke society we live in now nothing is down and down the spiral we go

Exactly the opposite is true.

The www gives a megaphone to everyone. Anyone and everyone can say just about anything they want.

Yes, I’d have to agree with that. Even the “driver uplift” of three years ago - seems to be more about what you described there, than as a latter-day effect of Brexit even…

Unfortunately some of what some people want to say is “You can’t say that…”
Illustrated by jumped up little tool Graham Norton having a go at John Cleese, claiming “cancel culture” is actually about “accountability”. No, it’s not.

Or the alphabet-mafia having a go at JK Rowling simply for saying what (I believe) the majority of people believe to be true, that a man does not become a woman simply by claiming that is what he “identifies as”.

What? Even this? :rofl:

You’d think it would be easy to vote these gits out - but the new election algorhythm seems to prevent that, in order to divert mainstream voters away from other upstart parties.

Far Right, even “Right of Karl Marx” - Not Allowed, nor anything with the prefix “British” or “English”.

Loony Left, Far Liberal, Centerist Extremists - Perfectly OK to vote for, on the other hand…

Well I think the M…
Hang on am I on the right thread, I sermed to have gone on to the ‘political discussion’ one.

Ah right…it’s been ‘Winseered’.:roll_eyes:

You’re right. I’ll delete my last post.

At least it hasn’t been diverted onto sport or anyt’…

It’s algorithm. If you’re gonna shoehorn it into every post you may as well get it right :+1:

At least “Deep State” is easy to spell.
It’s funny how there’s always someone or something behind everything that isn’t entirely to Winseer’s liking; a whole new chapter in “Dog ate my homework and other lame excuses for every modern situation”, which would have been available from Amazon and other major retailers, if it wasn’t for Bill Gates, The Illuminati and The World Government etc

too be fair when i was at school my maths homework did blow away teacher didnt believe me until i showed him my ripped bag and all my other books that were wet and muddy

I think a lot of is quasi-religious.

Everything that happens must have a cause.
So, everything must happen because of some underlying reason.
All they gotta do is to see the true reason and all else is easily explicable.

Strikes me life is not simple and there is no easy explanation.
Not God, not a cabal, nor conspiracy.

Stuff happens!

Blew away? Even lamer :joy:

At the school my kids go to, every missed homework is an automatic 30 mins detention, those who don’t attend that one have it increased to 60 minutes for another day. And because everything is digitized, emails go straight out to parents. I feel a bit sorry for kids these days, you can’t get away with even a tenth of what we used to do.

Agreed; there always has to be some “architect” at work, nothing is ever a result of natural causality

they are soft on kids these days if i “forgot” my pe kit i would have to do it in my underpants and spend an hour in detention afterwards cleaning the showers and changing room.

I have a book here that my grandfather got as a prize for having the best attendance over the year. He used to go in in the morning and after lunch get marked in on the register then climb over the back wall and go home.

Do you need to be told why that is not an option these days?

My generation were beaten by teachers using: plimsolls, canes, rulers, T-squares, table-tennis bats, or even the flat of a big hand. Obviously we hated it, but as much as we did, I think we hated detention more because being hit was over more quickly.

Apart from the case of one girl who got her arm broken when she wouldn’t “submit” to being hit with the plimsoll (which the teacher had actually given a name). Even for the 1970’s that was too much and the teacher got sacked.

No, not that system - I’m talking about the processor of digital votes already tabulated into machines…
Once the paper ballots have been “counted” - it is now possible in ANY western election to manipulate that data “after time” to say pretty much anything you want, within reason…
Instant 5% swing either way? - You got it!
It would be suspicious if someone 90%+ of polls put at “6 points or more ahead” then LOSING, so the aim of the software is simply to massage the actual votes whilst they are still in cyberspace, as such.
Connection to the Internet - means the entire system of voting using “tabulation machines” - is no longer viable.

We’re going to see less and less “counting tables” in the background on election night, and more results like Sunderland likes to give: “Racing to be the first to declare”.