Do you think this can be done

Hi all I’m at j29 truckstop m1 leave at 4ish in the morning. Tip exeter then get to watchet and reload reels of paper for lockerbie and macmerry nr edinburgh. Then get to blyth docks and then drive back to yard in plymouth and finish friday sometime. That is without all breaks, accidents, and general hold ups. I personally don’t think I would get back friday somehow but bossman says no problem so what do you all think cos I would appreciate all feedback on this matter. I do have my 2 10s. Thanks all

Do that blind folded with one arm tied behind my back

I am here:
It’s not theirs anymore,
This is our England now.

If you get back up in the midlands tomorrow night, you could just make it. You would get to annandale in one shift, so with a ten you should be loaded in blyth Thursday night. You’ll need to run every available min along the way to get back to Plymouth in a ten on Friday

Approx 1950Km, 23hrs driving time… But that’s based on a car!

Your user name says it all… :smiley:

2 10’s left piece of ■■■■…

That Watchet is a pain in the jacksie to get to, especially if you are overheight for the A358.

Should be able to do that if you stil have your two 10’s left,but if it all goes pear shaped could you not just run back in on Saturday morning.

The road from watchet back to the M5 is ■■■■■■■ make sure you strap them reels as one went over a few years ago…

Right lets take bets, i reckon he wont make it and will be stuck out friday night :laughing:

I don’t care if it rains or shines I’m happy as can be.

Next line and pertinence to the original question please!

First one gets a big kiss. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

I reckon tomorrow night you should be about on a level with where you are now, three and a half hours from there to Lockerbie, a couple of hours to Edinburgh, two and a half hours to Blyth for Thursday night, which should give you all day Friday to get back. Maybe even get an hour or so down on Thursday if you get loaded.

Dare I ask how far youve got? Weds morning 810 am If you got time to post that is ! Good luck

you’ll be back thursday night, or friday morning if you drag it out.

Maybe even sooner :wink:

Wow it’s so exciting! Will he make it? Will the reels get there on time? Will he get back on Friday? They should make a tv show of this…!!!

Wow it’s so exciting! Will he make it? Will the reels get there on time? Will he get back on Friday? They should make a tv show of this…!!!

Any blindside reversing :laughing:

del trotter:

Wow it’s so exciting! Will he make it? Will the reels get there on time? Will he get back on Friday? They should make a tv show of this…!!!

Any blindside reversing :laughing:

In a rigid.

Sent from my iPad but adjusted even more to ■■■■ winseer off.

Avoid the A358 on your way up from Exeter use the M5 leave at J24 A38 follow A39.

The A39 is an outstanding road this time of year for a spot of “caravan worrying”.

The A39 is an outstanding road this time of year for a spot of “caravan worrying”.

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: You will get some stick for that comment!! :grimacing:

Wow it’s so exciting! Will he make it? Will the reels get there on time? Will he get back on Friday? They should make a tv show of this…!!!


and if the reels not there on time could turn to paper mache
oh and lets race a train up the m6

Will this big truck get up the tight roads to watchet