Do you still enjoy your job?

Simple question guys…
Do you still enjoy driving for a living?

Yes, why not? Beats working for a living.

Enjoy would be an understatement. Love my job

Enjoy would be an understatement. Love my job

Same as him ^^^^^^^ LOVE my job, variety of work, all over the UK, Nice truck, good wages and get on with the boss, cant ask for more than that■■?


Im hacked off with the attitudes of people from general public to Warehouse staff, who all think you are a piece ■■■■■■
Fed up with the traffic and lack of driving skills from fellow motorists, yes inc Class 1 drivers…
Fed up with the general state of the industry…

Want me to go on?

On the other hand its pretty much the only life I know, so have to put up with it, driving agency is all I can cope with at the mo, and then I only want 3 shifts a week…

May get another truck at some point, but will only be local, stuff the tramping and lack of decent parking places…

:imp: :imp:


Im hacked off with the attitudes of people from general public to Warehouse staff, who all think you are a piece [zb]…
Fed up with the traffic and lack of driving skills from fellow motorists, yes inc Class 1 drivers…
Fed up with the general state of the industry…

Want me to go on?

On the other hand its pretty much the only life I know, so have to put up with it, driving agency is all I can cope with at the mo, and then I only want 3 shifts a week…

May get another truck at some point, but will only be local, stuff the tramping and lack of decent parking places…

:imp: :imp:

Join the club that’s why i got out, horses for courses though as they say, i would have been much better off financially staying driving and being my own boss, as to your 2nd point coddy, get in there and do a bit of retraining, i can’t be doing with this it’s the only life i know, change it, last guy i heard say that was my ats tyre fitter before he went off with a heart attack,
I made the change because i found driving boring and repetitive, as well as coddy’s points, i wanted to use my head more, i think i have made a wrong career choice for that at the mo though :laughing: .
Driving for a living, O/D style took all the fun out of driving, i try and avoid it now, i wish i could enjoy it again :confused:

been driving for a living for 20 yrs now would,nt have it any other way.tramping is my cup of tea different places every day.could,nt do a regular run would bore me stiff on the downside would,nt mind enjoying my nice house by the sea with the massive mortgage on it more often :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

I still love it and actually enjoy going to work (saddo i hear you say).
Although i’ve got good hours now even if I at to change back tomorrow it would’nt bother me.I’ve been involved with trucks since a boy going out with my dad and could’nt wait to pass my test to get out on the road.Just wished my boy was the same.Like i said in a previous post that i lost all confidence over an incident a few years back.Im glad i stuck with it and am enjoying every minute of it again. :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

29 years now and i think i’m lov’in it :smiley:

I enjoy the job cant really think of any thing else to do.Come to think of it what other jobs are there?

Not enjoying it as much nowadays . . too much , cant do this - cant do that -
Having to sign a form at the end of the month because i have commited the sin of not selecting
“the right mode switch” ffs - but like as been stated before, not really qualified to do anything else and at my age its a bit late to learn a new trade !!
Then again , has driving lorries ever been classed as a trade/proffesional job ?

been doing the job since i was 17 and now 47 dont know nothing else and still
enjoy it, pity its not still like it was in the late 80s earlly 90s tho when you couldn’t
wait till monday morning again after the weekend,seen a lot of changes over the years
but where else could you do as you please as long as you do your job.

love driving hate the crap that goes with it far to many rules and regulations now. They are taking away all the enjoyment of the job.

I am skilled in nothing else, so if i didn’t enjoy it anymore i wouldn’t have a choice :laughing:

Some days i love it,some days i just wanna park up and go home.Im sitting on the fence for now i cant make my mind up. :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:

i love my job, ive had time away from driving and to be honest my advice to anyone that wants to pack in driving then do it.a change is as good as a rest when i came back to driving i had a new enthusiasm for it,driving in the blood where else can ya see differant parts of the country or countries
sitting on ya backside listening to the radio :smiley: and getting paid for it

i love driving for a living… its just " the job " bit has me wondering.

ive in no doubt the best driving job in leeds but i would like something extra that im never going to have with this job.

i enjoy the job, but i know i’d enjoy it more if they did away with all the rules, and shot all TC’s.

i love this job. it was a bit stressful with a booking time half an hour after my 15 hour cut off but i got in early and got my load so im happy. im taking my 9 hours off then a gentle drive home tonight. no rush, this load isnt booked in til monday so they wont be chasing me to get back and i have a 58 plate XF with a manual gearbox. there are worse jobs around :sunglasses:

YES apart from all this legislation with WTD, drivers hours, weekly rest, daily rest, etc just let those who want to work WORK!