Do you prefer to tip your own load?

I’m quite happy to unload myself if I can, often it’s quicker than waiting for someone else and you get a bit of exercise while you’re doing it.

:smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

What takes so long for them to check the load when it has been tipped, do they open every box, carton, pallet, Ibc, bag, box and see what is inside it, you can be tipped in ten to 20 minutes then wait 3 to 4 hours for the paper work?

I like doing the Aldi’s its a bit of exercise after all so that can’t be bad.

Madguy :smiling_imp:

What takes so long for them to check the load when it has been tipped, do they open every box, carton, pallet, Ibc, bag, box and see what is inside it, you can be tipped in ten to 20 minutes then wait 3 to 4 hours for the paper work?

Yes there has to be something done about that, especially at these RDCs where they put it through a shoot. There is no urgency in transport what so ever, if they changed the law so charging demurrage was compulsory then the truck would earn more and so would we.

I would always get in the back and give a hand or unload myself whenever I could. After sat down looking out of a window for several hours I’d always try and make an effort to get my body moving and the circulation moving, a pallett truck and several hundred kilos of goods certainly ticked that box. If helping greased the wheels or sped things up then that was an added bonus - didn’t want to turn into a slovenly lump of lard!

one thing i have noticed recently is,that when i go into sainsbury stoke(pulling for dhl)i`m in and out in approx 60-90 mins.
when i went there before i was pulling for dhl…it would take hours :smiling_imp:

Always prefer to tip ourselves, then again it’s a tipper so there’s little other options apart from a shovel :laughing:


I like to tip myself. If I cannot, then I don’t like having to wait for someone else to do it.
Places where you turn up and go on the bay, staying there until tipped is cool, because then they can take as long as they damned well like to tip me, as I’m on break/POA for possibly hours without any sudden instructions to move! :grimacing:

An ideal shift might be 13 hours in length, a 3.5hr drive each way, with 4ish hours at the remote depot, all of it spent on a bay rather than some slowly advancing tip queue that means you’ll run out of hours one way of the other before being tipped. It’s too easy to get WTD “worked more than 6 hours straight” infringements as a result of these damned queues at hubs! :imp:

Then drive 3.25 hours, bang in a half hour break, then join the queue. Simples really.

Ahem. I think you’re missing the whole point of a long POA on the bay, with no danger of being asked to do anything anytime soon…
:unamused: :unamused:
If you’re in a tip queue, you’re not doing anything apart from shuffling forward. You can’t really read a book, go to the loo or get something to eat, although you might manage a chinwag with another driver in the queue if you’re feeling social. :open_mouth:

Retired Old ■■■■:
Never minded getting stuck in loading and tipping. Unfortunately, most companies’ insurance will only cover their own employees, hence the “Get off that fork-lift” mentality.
And I’ve never had the priviledge of working for that employer who pays more for operating a Moffet. Anybody know who he is? I once questioned a boss about paying me for the extra qualification but he pointed out that it was HE who had paid for the Moffet course anyway!

With HIAB in agency it’s even worse… You might get £10ph for C+E which you’ll get all the time because you don’t have a HIAB.
GET one, and guess what? - You’ll be driving a builders wagon for £8+0.50p ph instead, and the C+E work which you’ve tried to hold out for suddenly seems to dry up… :imp:
Sometimes ‘a little bit of knowledge is a dangerous thing’. :open_mouth:

Arriving at a depot, and going on break before joining the queue?

Well, you might have just steamed it up there to turn up at the A38 hub whilst the queue is still quite small. Sit at the side having a break, and joining the queue later? - The place is now packed out, and your queue now takes 90-100 mins to traverse instead of 30-40 mins if you’d stuck it when you first arrived.
“You’re not gonna do it like that” is what I’m saying. :grimacing:

I used to deliver a lot of garden mowers and small tractors.
In the crate, they were too large to get off on a tail lift. So when delivering them to private addresses, I used to de-crate them on the wagon, then drive them onto the tail lift myself. I also carried 4 scaff planks for the ones that were too big for the tail lift.
That was fun. :smiley:

Yes indeed, especially when im in one of those builders merchants where the forklift driver is a bimbling numpty, takes forever to unload in between buggering off and serving customers/making tea/whatever :frowning:

If they take too long i fire up the crane and start unloading anyway, havent got time to hang around, of course if i were paid by the hour it would be a different story :wink:

My dad’s on markets so he basically tip’s all of his load, its a lot faster doing it that way, only thing that slows it down is if you have to wait for a forklift. Most of the load doesn’t get checked so we never have a problem with that. But making sure its all there is done before the pallet comes off so he gets it tipped pretty quickly.

On my mrs backdoors? :open_mouth: no her best mate brings me off just in time! :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing: truck driver me, NOT A WAREHOUSE MAN! :sunglasses: :open_mouth: :laughing: :unamused: :bulb: :question: :exclamation: