do you care what truck you drive?
Yes, I like my trucks like I like my ■■■■, Swedish
Not really, i’d like a manual but thats about as far as it goes, little to choose between them any more.
So long as it gets there and back and i go home every night to a warm welcome warm dinner warm real bed, doesn’t matter what bloody badge is stuck on the front.
Yes, I like my trucks like I like my ■■■■, Swedish
Not really, i’d like a manual but thats about as far as it goes, little to choose between them any more.So long as it gets there and back and i go home every night to a warm welcome warm dinner warm real bed, doesn’t matter what bloody badge is stuck on the front.
As long as its not a DAF I don’t mind.
I’d drive a nail for the right money.
I am more interested in what goes into the bank at the end of the month. Would rather have the same truck all the time so I don’t have to get into someone elses rubbish dump!
As long as it’s up to the task it’s there for and is legal not really.
Pay and conditions are more important. I drive an 05 reg fh12 420 flat top. It’s certainly not a show truck and has a hard life. Anything maintence wise gets done ASAP but cosmetic stuff not so much.
Pays ok hours suit me left to get on with things that’s my main criteria.
do you care what truck you drive?
Yes i do care i’d rather have one of our Volvos 62 or 63 plate above one of our new shape Actros’s 13 or 63 plate anyday.
It’s all about the money…
you get a very diverse bunch of people on here i guess the owner drivers would take more pride in their motor as its not owned by someone else. Also you get some people saying that money is more important… Do you think the people with the blinged up scanias and have spent thousand on their trucks is just for show/to show boat?
you get a very diverse bunch of people on here i guess the owner drivers would take more pride in their motor as its not owned by someone else. Also you get some people saying that money is more important… Do you think the people with the blinged up scanias and have spent thousand on their trucks is just for show/to show boat?
Now thats a different question entirely.
If i was an owner driver then make model and specification would be extremely important, it would have a manual box and be as simple a beast as i could get away with, most likely a Hino.
I’ll never in a month of Sundays understand why an employed driver spends fantastic amounts of money on bling for someone elses lorry, but its their money so good luck to 'em.
I do look after the lorry i’m issued though, always looked after me equipment from the first day i started, silly pride and all that i s’pose.
I have to admit to having a preference for either Daf or scania. An xf or an r series would be my first choices. Don’t care about power, not after a v8 or anything. Having said that though, obviously I’ll drive anything and keep it clean and tidy then I’m happy enough
I’d drive an Atkinson Borderer if the money was right!
Cash is king. It’s what I go to work for. The more I can get, the happier I am so no, I don’t give a monkeys what it is I drive.
as it has been said before most trucks are all good these days so no I do not mind, the thing you need is a good office that can run lorries properly and I am afraid a lot are sadly lacking in this ability.
Depends on the job it’s for, if I was day trunking then no never cared. If I was tramping then I may have a preference for a more ‘livable space’. I once spent a month tramping in a rigid and it was a nightmare, I also spent a month tramping in an iveco super space cab that had a fold down table and so much space it made life much easier. Always enjoyed tramping in a man 07 plate old model lots of space and storage etc.
As long as I’ve got room to stand up and make me tea at night when spending all week away I could make any cab work, any cab is cleanable. On day work I wouldn’t care a toss as I’d be going home at the end of the shift and it’ll be someone else’s crap for the night shift
No…It’s all about the money…
It’s all about the dum dum da de dum dum
Depends on the job it’s for, if I was day trunking then no never cared. If I was tramping then I may have a preference for a more ‘livable space’. I once spent a month tramping in a rigid and it was a nightmare, I also spent a month tramping in an iveco super space cab that had a fold down table and so much space it made life much easier. Always enjoyed tramping in a man 07 plate old model lots of space and storage etc.
As long as I’ve got room to stand up and make me tea at night when spending all week away I could make any cab work, any cab is cleanable. On day work I wouldn’t care a toss as I’d be going home at the end of the shift and it’ll be someone else’s crap for the night shift
I’m confused how a rigid makes any difference to how you night out in it. If you had a FM Gobstopper rigid or artic would the cab not be the same
I care to the extent that I’dike a say in speccing a new motor. This doesn’t mean I want spotlights, leather seats, DAB radio etc. I want equipment that will help me do my job like a manual tailgate*, decent lock, good offroad etc. A sandy coloured interior would help hide the dust and dirt too.
*Getting fed up with mine not closing straightaway (but an excavator bucket pressing it down works!)