When a mechanic collects a truck for service do they need to use a digi card? Reason I ask is that I’m 99% certain I’ve left my card in the slot in the truck that’s currently now in being serviced, but nothing has been handed in to the t/o. If they don’t use a card then maybe he hasn’t noticed it hanging out of the slot and it’s still there, otherwise surely he would’ve handed it in?
■■■■■■■ hassle I’m having with this ■■■■■■■■■■■■■ card . Sick of them . Bring back paper charts .
Yes they will have a digi card, and they should(not will) use it, ours often come back from service withdriving without card flashing away.Which is why when I leave mine for service I always write down the end mileage down in my diary and do a printout.
We have our own digi cards just like any driver - I always use mine when I collect or deliver a customers vehicle but I know not all my colleagues do though.
Mechanics are supposed to use the tachograph when collecting or delivering vehicles taken for service but I’ve no idea how many do.
I used to work for a company that leased the vehicles, and when the leasing company took the vehicles for service/repair their mechanics never used a card, nor did they when they brought them back.
It’s quite possible that your card is still hanging out of the tachograph.
Rob K:
[zb] hassle I’m having with this piece of [zb] card . Sick of them . Bring back paper charts .
The consequences of leaving a paper chart in the drawer would be pretty much the same as they are for leaving a digicard in the slot though?
In both cases, you end up with driving/work being recorded on your card/chart while you were at home with your feet up. At least with a digicard it won’t mess up the recording of the work/driving that you did carry out during your last shift