Do i sit my class 1 or become a taxi driver

Is it worth paying £1500 to go from class 2 to class 1 or would i earn just as much driving at taxi ?

Personally, I’d sooner be John Prescott’s underpant roadie than drive a taxi. You might earn less driving a truck, but no one’s going to throw up in your cab. And if there is a profession less respected than lory driver, it’s probably taxi driver. It’s up to you, obviously, but for me it’s not even a question.

All depends on where you live, and what shifts you are prepared to work, and wether you will be putting your own car on and paying for your own insurance and paying for your own fuel and wether you mean taxi driver or you mean private hire driver and how much you have to pay each week for the radio/plate rent and wether your gonna lie to the tax man, and depending on your answers, you could earn more than a class 1 driver for less hours driving a cab.
Oh and if it’s Hartlepool I wouldn’t bother, they have the lowest rate per mile in the country! But saying that, it’s still a higher rate per mile than most 44 tonners earn :laughing:

Rhythm Thief:
…for me it’s not even a question.


Would only work 6am - 6pm but I guess its the late nights where the money is at

There’s all sorts of taxi work, and there are a few operators who run classy operations, not rank work obviously.

Unfortunately its more oversubscribed with numpties than the lorries.

Stick with the lorries would be my vote and get the artic ticket, lots of current licence holders say they won’t be bothering with the CPC, though i suspect 70 hour weeks on security at minimum wage might prompt a rethink on that one, should provide some good openings when the hatchet falls next September.

There are good lorry jobs about paying very well, but you have to earn your spurs and work way into them, it won’t happen overnight and for many sadly it never will happen for many reasons, luck competence attitude reliability being just four of them.

Yeah, but think about it, you’ll be able to do illegal u-turns, carve the traffic up, use any permutation of lanes at a road intersection/roundabout and also stop and start wherever you feel like…in fact it’ll just be like driving a cab :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

But, you don’t wear seatbelt in a cab (or a service bus) - anybody got an explanation for that?

Why not do both? Do some taxi driving on weeks off to top wage up. I’d be quite happy to set myself up with a nice estate car and do some airport runs. :slight_smile:

Please tell me that after already being a lorry driver you are really contemplating joining the ■■■■■ drivers that are taxi drivers. ■■■■ that atleast in a lorry you can get your own back on the idiots.

Please tell me that after already being a lorry driver you are really contemplating joining the ■■■■■ drivers that are taxi drivers. [zb] that atleast in a lorry you can get your own back on the idiots.

I don’t think we can call all taxi drivers this. Its just a idea that has crossed my mind

Dont bother with taxis mate,i had me own and the takings went downhill a lot,stick with trucks pal :slight_smile:

Dont bother with taxis mate,i had me own and the takings went downhill a lot,stick with trucks pal :slight_smile:

What was you earning on a hours to work ratio ?

Also what sort of hours was you putting in ?

And whereabouts ?

Yeah, but think about it, you’ll be able to do illegal u-turns, carve the traffic up, use any permutation of lanes at a road intersection/roundabout and also stop and start wherever you feel like…in fact it’ll just be like driving a cab :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

But, you don’t wear seatbelt in a cab (or a service bus) - anybody got an explanation for that?

isn’t it something like so some scrote can’t pin you to the seat by pulling down on the part running down the b pillar? they’re supposed to wear it in between fares? that’s what someone told me, no idea if it’s true or not

The only place to earn proper money on taxis is London but you have to do knowledge which takes years but this keeps the numptys out anywhere else in the country any numpty can do it, sitting at station ranks for hours to earn minimum wage dont bother.

…sitting at station ranks for hours to earn minimum wage…

…or less, as the case often is.

I guess you could earn deacent money if you got yourself something like an 8 seater and just did airport runs. A fella who lived on our street did well for himself doing this, he built up a good reputation and client base.

I also had my own taxi,would drive 100 miles per day just doing school contracts.I am in Perthshire so its quite rural.There are just too many folks with the same idea nowadays.I tendered for a job offered to do it for £80.00 per day the guy who got the job charged £19.00.The numpties are out there.

Iam a hgv driver i earn around £25,000.
My brother is a London black cab driver .He earns over £100.000.
Where are you going to be a taxi driver.There is a rumor going round they
are trying to bring in tachos for taxis .Hope so that should shut big mouth up :laughing: :laughing:

My brother is a London black cab driver .He earns over £100.000.
He must be a partimer :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:


Yeah, but think about it, you’ll be able to do illegal u-turns, carve the traffic up, use any permutation of lanes at a road intersection/roundabout and also stop and start wherever you feel like…in fact it’ll just be like driving a cab :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

But, you don’t wear seatbelt in a cab (or a service bus) - anybody got an explanation for that?

isn’t it something like so some scrote can’t pin you to the seat by pulling down on the part running down the b pillar? they’re supposed to wear it in between fares? that’s what someone told me, no idea if it’s true or not

Only private hire are required to wear it between fares, no requirement for taxi drivers to wear it at any time when there working, and there’s no reason for a taxi driver to wear it even if they aren’t working, because no one can prove there not working!