Do i need to carry my licence in france

hello everyone.
just a simple question.
the boss wants me to run over to france later in the week but DVLA have my licence to change the adress. do i have to stay at home.
thanks in advance


Do you have a photocopy of both parts of the licence and a copy of the change of address form? If yes then you are good to go, if not then no.

hello everyone.
just a simple question.
the boss wants me to run over to france later in the week but DVLA have my licence to change the adress. do i have to stay at home.
thanks in advance


Having read Coffeeholics official reply. I might add this.

I have never been asked for my driving licence in France, but that doesn’t mean you should not carry it with you.

The normal conversation in a routine control is “Bonjour. CMR. Disc. Authorisation. Au Revoir”.

There is a requirement to carry a contract of employment, pay slips or a letter giving you permission to drive a company vehicle. I have never been asked for those either.

I have been asked for my licence occasionally, not on every stop though and never been asked for the authorisation letter or the like.

thanks for the replys

Only time I was ever asked for my Driving License was in Italy, years & years ago! Didn’t understand a word he was trying to say & he gave up in the end lol!

You are required by French law to carry your licence with at all times you are driving, also you are required to have all the papers for the vehicle you are driving also , reg document,insurance, MoT cert.

You are required by French law to carry your licence with at all times you are driving, also you are required to have all the papers for the vehicle you are driving also , reg document,insurance, MoT cert.

But if DVLA still had it would you go to work or not? I have seen the French Police stopping French cars and checking the drivers licence, insurance and registration documents. But what I mentioned was that in the case of a British trucker they tend to either not understand it or not ask for them.

I was asked for mine in Germany once and I couldn’t find it, and the sausage-eating Squareheads were going to park me up, luckily I found it in the end.

As far as I can remember every time I have been stopped in Spain they wanted to see my licence, and at proper controls in France have I been asked for my licence.

Funnily enough I got checked in Rungis on Wednesday morning,and my licence was the first thing they asked for (probably thought I looked too young to drive :unamused: :wink: ) followed by CMR,authorisation and tacho card.
Never asked for my passport though.

I have always been asked to show licence when I’ve been stopped in Germany,either by the Polizei or the BAG.