divorce rates

When you think things can’t get any worse they do took class 1 in 2008 got a job after alot of agency work really really wanted to aachieve my goal gone through a lot of mistakes on the way now I am quite good at what I do just find the hours too long seems to be 13 hour days every day not really what I signed up for and now to make matters worse the misses wants out wish I’d never bothered as all it has caused me is trouble sorry for the rant but had to get it off my chest if only to warn other wanna bes its not all what it seems or have I just got the wrong job.

… or have I just got the wrong job.

Probably the wrong profession for you

People get the wrong idea about many jobs and this is where good research comes into play before committing to one

For the whole of the nineties I was doing between 80 and 100 hour weeks (many hours paid off the books when in warehouse) so missed out on my daughter growing up and it was only when I cut down the hours in the 2000s that I really got to know her but she was starting her teenage years then !

My job was to bring in the bacon during those years so thats what I did

The only good thing was that my employer allowed me to take my wife and daughter with me when circumstances allowed

Been there, done that, worn the T Shirt !
Same as Rog (except i went through a divorce) through the nineties worked 2 jobs to try & better ourselves, didn’t see much of the kids, (Jen was born 1987 & Chris 1990) split up 1998, but them I said Balls to this 2 job lark & spent quality (every other) weekends with the kids.
Worked out ok for me, met the present Lady ‘V’ 2 weeks after splitting up with Lady ‘V’ the 1st & not looked back since. We paid our mortgage off a couple of years ago (brought at the right time/1998) So keep your head straight because there’s always light at the end of the tunnel.

Take her with you. It’s the best thing i ever did.
I didn’t take her round the UK though, She got to see some lovely places throughout Europe.

It is common in a lot of jobs not just lorry driving. IT is another profession where divorce rates are high as you are away on courses or in meetings etc. Salesmen too spend a lot of time on the road. It is not the job that is at fault or you but the women who want everything and won’t settle for a compromise. Doctors used to have the highest divorce rates in the days when they were called out on their bleeper.

In jobs like this you have to have the right partner and what time off you have make the most of it been with mine 12 years did 10 of them in the army and think I only spent about 6 of them at home

Been divorced a long time he was a RMN ( mental nurse ) ye we still speak still get on well

I am now away 5 days a week see daughter & granddaughter when home see son ( who lives 100 miles or so away ) when we can although do speak regularly also speak with his fiancée

It works although I do miss them all but I do enjoy my job & my kids accept it as have been in transport 17 years my daughter partner is a driver as well & yep it works for them as she is used to it

As said it takes a certain type of person to do it

Not sure if it’s the job what I do know is I seem to work more hours now than ever think its true you need to spend quality time with loved ones when not at work thanks for the feedback people appreciate it.

Thats 1 of the few perks in my job, when my wife (of 1 year in Sept) is on holiday she can come with me and she has seen so many nice places that she never dreamed she would see, Donington park, Sherborne castle, Gaydon :smiley::grin::grin:
As well as Monte carlo, Holland, Austria, Germany etc :smiley::grin::grin::grin:
It definitely helps as has already been said spending time with your wife/husband when you can makes the times when you can’t a tad easier to bear I think…

Just my personal opinion, but i believe that your mrs needs to understand the job properly, so that means telling her what the hours MAY be. When i met mine 15 years ago, i was lucky that she could come with me and saw the job for how it was. She knows that sometimes i will max the hours but as long as we get weekends off together she’s ok. If i apply for a new job, i always talk it through with her and make her aware of whether they’ll be nights out, how many etc and whether the days will be 12 hours or more. That way, she can’t say she didn’t know later on.
In this job things go wrong and a simple 9 hour shift can easily turn into a 12 or 13, thats the way it is, and i think if you make your partner aware of it then they can’t really moan.
My mrs still asks the age old question, “what time will you be home?”, my answer, “no idea, but i’ll let you know as soon as i know”.
Unfortunatley our job isn’t 9 -5 and if thats what your mrs wanted then this job isn’t for you.
While it may be thought of as a stupid question, it always pays to ask the questions before paying out for the course and making sure it’s suitable for you and your mrs understands what the job involves.