Discount in Moto services

Not many drivers are aware of the moto app , which allows you to get daily deals. Discount can be up to 30% off Burger King etc. even M&S can be 20% off like today???the amount of drivers I’ve told when they are handing over £3.30 for a costa coffee. When they could be getting it for 2.68. Doesn’t seem much but it mounts up…download now guys save yourself money, its costly enough as it is to be on the road…

Or get some McDonald’s stickers and get coffe for less than 30p a cup :open_mouth:

Yep you could do that right enough…

There’s 20% off at roadchef too Click on deals

They also have an app

Good to know. Cheers

Moto app today 40% off Burger King. So guys don’t be paying full whack. Download the app and save money. I know it’s not the best grub, but a lot if drivers use them…

Also if you fill up with 100 litres or more of Diesel at a Moto, you will get a 50p off costa coffee or moto food (excluding burger king). Been saving them all week, and it doesn’t say you can’t combine more than one voucher. Cheers for the app advice though, I didn’t even know they had one :smiley:

■■■■ there’s an app for everything!

This has got me thinking!
What about a lorry drivers app! Wait ,don’t laugh.
An app just for us!
Has to be European wide though.
Right I’ll start.
Best place to meet highly stupid women with a lot going for them.

What about !
I will not work for you app,because your wages are ■■■■■■■■■ your conditions are ■■■■■