Disappointed... In my self

Hello all, first things first. I’ve been driving an artic for 2 years now so you would think that by that time i gotbthe hang of it. Some days are good some are bad. But mainly its all ok. There’s one thing that I can’t get right and that is reversing in between two lorries. I got to Hatfield Tosco and it took me 100 shunts 10 min to get on a [zb] bay. At the end i even asked shunter driver to give us a spot and he did that and gave me a bit of a advice how to get it right next time. I’m so so angry and disappointed with my self ;( ;(

Practice practice practice practice, I have bad days too…!

I’ve had days like that mate and I’ve been doing the job ten times longer than you. Bad days happen, just learn from it.

That’s what a lot of drivers are saying. But it’s so hard not to get worked up about it. I’ll get there one day. :slight_smile:

nice n slow like a pro , best thing is when two trailers is to drive past 3/4 way swing out then in and trailer rear should be ready to pop in JUST REMEMBER TO OPEN THE DOORS :laughing:


:blush: :blush: :blush: *Whistles innocently…

I’ve put this on here before, I was feeling like an absolute hero one day, reversed on bay, one hit, no shunt, like a pro! Not the bay I was aiming for mind, the one beside it. Everyone has days like these, chin up tomorrow will be better.

I find it easier to stick it between two parked trucks. Give me an empty yard and it’s all over the place.
Nailed it in one last night and one of the old hands congratulated me. I’ve been doing it 9 years but it still makes your day when someone else appreciates it.



:blush: :blush: :blush: *Whistles innocently…

And if you’re dropping the trailer and picking another up don’t forget to take the reg plate off first! :blush: :smiley: I’ve never forgot to do that though just what somebody told me :wink: :wink: :grimacing:

I’ve put this on here before, I was feeling like an absolute hero one day, reversed on bay, one hit, no shunt, like a pro! Not the bay I was aiming for mind, the one beside it. Everyone has days like these, chin up tomorrow will be better.

I did just he same about 15 empty bays going on one in middle but got on wrong one could I get on next bay not a chance.

I find it easier to stick it between two parked trucks. Give me an empty yard and it’s all over the place.


Its strange, but i’m the same, much easier to put it between two trailers or next to something. I think it’s a marker / reference point thing, you have something to work round etc. If I just have to back it in an empty space, between two lines on the ground I’ll be all over the place!

Hello all, first things first. I’ve been driving an artic for 2 years now so you would think that by that time i gotbthe hang of it. Some days are good some are bad. But mainly its all ok. There’s one thing that I can’t get right and that is reversing in between two lorries. I got to Hatfield Tosco and it took me 100 shunts 10 min to get on a [zb] bay. At the end i even asked shunter driver to give us a spot and he did that and gave me a bit of a advice how to get it right next time. I’m so so angry and disappointed with my self ;( ;(

Ready for the flak from the haters but you shouldn’t be on the road. You’ve been driving artics for 2 years but it takes you 100 shunts/10 mins to get on a bay? :unamused: Are you for real? You’re the trucking equivalent of Maureen and you should accept that you’re not cut out for driving and get a job in a different sector.

Rob K:

Hello all, first things first. I’ve been driving an artic for 2 years now so you would think that by that time i gotbthe hang of it. Some days are good some are bad. But mainly its all ok. There’s one thing that I can’t get right and that is reversing in between two lorries. I got to Hatfield Tosco and it took me 100 shunts 10 min to get on a [zb] bay. At the end i even asked shunter driver to give us a spot and he did that and gave me a bit of a advice how to get it right next time. I’m so so angry and disappointed with my self ;( ;(

Ready for the flak from the haters but you shouldn’t be on the road. You’ve been driving artics for 2 years but it takes you 100 shunts/10 mins to get on a bay? :unamused: Are you for real? You’re the trucking equivalent of Maureen and you should accept that you’re not cut out for driving and get a job in a different sector.

Did you say that just to get a reaction?

Post your mailing address up here so I can send you my licence to be destroyed.

I’ve had my CE licence same length of time and have good and bad days.

So let me know where I should send it :slight_smile:

Yes because Rob k is the worlds best driver and never does and has never done anything wrong/bad :@

I haven’t been taught to drive the artics yet but with me working in the yard on a Saturday morning, it gives be some tips on how to do different things, such as reversing between 2 trucks. At the end of the day, once I pass my class 2 and 1 then I don’t expect to get everything right first time. It comes with experience and practise, and then when people have got more experience and practice, you’ll still have bad days, it’s part of life.

I agree with both sides here. Everyone has bad days and sometimes I give myself a mental slap to concentrate harder and have another crack at it. The OP got it on a Bay without damage and did his job.

However, he’s been driving two years and should by now mostly be getting it right. It may have been an off day but if it’s happening regularly, maybe he should think of extra training or something.

Don’t go getting splinters on that fence :slight_smile:.

Comes on guys it ain’t rocket science :unamused: . If you can’t get on a normal RDC-style bay within half a dozen shunts then you’re ■■■■■■■ hopeless, face it. It’s nothing to do with being a super awesome driver or not, it’s what you were trained to do when you took your test. IIRC you’re only allowed 2 shunts on your test or it’s a fail so why you all making excuses for him? If he’d only recently passed his test then fair enough, we’ve all been there but 2 years doing the job and he needs to take 100 shunts? GTFO please. :unamused:

I think maybe the OP exaggerated the 100 shunts.

The advice about getting some refresher training isn’t such a bad idea though. If its going bad more than it goes in right, then remedial action would save a lot of embarrassment.

Failing that, practice makes perfect. So get your 45 breaks in MSAs with reverse bays.

Look at the recent threads with plenty of good advice about how to reverse safely and efficiently.

I’ve put this on here before, I was feeling like an absolute hero one day, reversed on bay, one hit, no shunt, like a pro! Not the bay I was aiming for mind, the one beside it. Everyone has days like these, chin up tomorrow will be better.

Lol, I’ve done exactly the same at Tesco Crick, parked on bay, handed keys in, an hour later they shouted out for the driver ‘Not on Bay 60’ (or whatever) & made me move it onto the next Bay (at least it got a few laughs !) ( I couldn’t understand why they couldn’t unload it off the original bay, after they’d identified my mistake, it was only 10 feet away ■■?)
I love TOSCO’s. (not !)

I think maybe the OP exaggerated the 100 shunts.

The advice about getting some refresher training isn’t such a bad idea though. If its going bad more than it goes in right, then remedial action would save a lot of embarrassment.

Failing that, practice makes perfect. So get your 45 breaks in MSAs with reverse bays.

Look at the recent threads with plenty of good advice about how to reverse safely and efficiently.

Come on Dean, stop making excuses please. He’s been doing the job TWO [zb] YEARS. If you can’t pick it up in that time you never will. Simples.