Dirty rotten scoundrel

My pet hate are the hordes of fat, lazy ■■■■■■■■ who choose to ■■■■ all over the parking areas instead of dragging their fat ■■■ 100 metres to the service station toilets. The smell is enough to put you off your food by the time you’ve carried it back to the truck :angry:

I have known drivers who never have a shower or bath, their cab is like a bomb gone off CSI murder area.
The cab smells like a badgers armpit.

I aint justifying drivers ■■■■■■■ on MSA truck parks, but playing devil’s advocate :bulb: (just explaining for the hard of thinking :smiley: )
They purposely design truck parks out of the way and can be a long walk in the ■■■■■■■ rain to the facilities, so the driver is faced with getting soaked or wopping it out on the n/s wheel.

The services at Raunde have the best idea toilet facilities exclusively for truckers, adjacent to the truck park.
Even a portaloo would be sufficient.

So even if ■■■■■■■ against the wheel is socially acceptable, dealing with the downside of it could be sorted quite simply.

I’d like to know who these truckers are that are capable of ■■■■■■■ in a lemonade bottle.

I can’t fit in to do that. :sunglasses:

The Sweet sang a song about that-Little Willy.

And people wonder why a lot of drivers won’t park in services overnight. The smell of the yellow stuff is vile this time of year, give me an industrial estate any night of the week

Try Bellshill ind est behind Devro I’m sure you will change your mind.