Dirty agency driver

Always give the truck i’ve used a clean (mainly for the extra 15 minutes pay or 30 if I stretch it out a bit).

This week I had to do a bigger clean than normal though.

It all started Monday when I was given a job by the agency to cover for another driver till Thursday, all went well keeping his truck nice and clean until Wednesday night when I had enjoyed a nice chicken roast dinner on the evening looking forward to an easy run in on Thursday.

Fell asleep on the bunk only to be rudely awoken by agonising stomach pains and finding I was in the process of severley letting my self down, the smell was horrendous which lead to me starting to vomit. It was literally coming out both ends, managed to get out the cab but by then the damage as done.

Then began the whole cleanup operation, bucket + sponge + £10 worth of wetwipes (most of that was just for me) and I did the best job I could. After my hard work cleaning the cab and scrubbing the bunk all that was left was a faint oudour and a stain on the mattress, which i hoped would dry off with the night heater on.

As I’d written off my under-crackers and the rest of my clothes where also ruined I had to purchase some ill fitting garments from a local charity shop just to get back to base.

In the end I was 3 hours late due to whole fiasco and the regular driver must have thought I was homeless the state I was in. Anyway told him I had cleaned his cab and that not many agency drivers do what I just have and left him to it. Just hope he was OK with the smell and doesn’t go on the internet and tell everyone about it.

ha ha brilliant

Things I don’t like to see when I get in a “regular’s” cab whilst on agency…

(1) Regular driver has left the ashtray full of butts, when you’re not even supposed to smoke in the cabs. If I moan about the stench of ■■■ smoke, I’m the “arrogant bar steward agency not to be used again” ‘used’ being the operative word there probably. :angry:

(2) Bunk has smears of God-knows what on it, ■■■ burns, and a fluffy stinky pillow thing… If I find myself being forced to use the bunk in this state, I’ll spread an MOT style piece of cellophane over it first, and of course I’ve brought my own pillow… Don’t fancy taking any chances putting my head where someone else’s has been! :bulb:

(3) Passenger footwell is full of junk. I’ll just leave it as I found it. Guess who gets moaned at for “leaving cab in an untidied state”? :frowning:

(4) Bootmarks on any place from footmats to the windscreen… What gets me here is that you tend to notice it in hired vehicles more often, but the actual footprints appear to be of people not wearing the proper boots… Trainers & Loafers maybe… Eh? Wtf■■? Is the boss’s son having a crafty kip in works vehicles when no one is around, and he ain’t even a driver or something?? :open_mouth:

(5) Steering wheel seems to be smeared with bogies and maybe white wee wee on the underside. I’ve already run screaming from the cab to the nearest washroom by this point. Fortunately for me, this has only ever happened once whilst doing agency, but my following refusal to “go down the shops, buy some cleaning gear, and clean it yourself” meant I never worked for that entire outfit again. Best be shot of scumbags like that I guess. Yup, I was ordered to spend money I’d not even earned yet cleaning up some regular driver’s crap… FFS this is the one that really got my goat over the years. :imp:

Always give the truck i’ve used a clean (mainly for the extra 15 minutes pay or 30 if I stretch it out a bit).

This week I had to do a bigger clean than normal though.

It all started Monday when I was given a job by the agency to cover for another driver till Thursday, all went well keeping his truck nice and clean until Wednesday night when I had enjoyed a nice chicken roast dinner on the evening looking forward to an easy run in on Thursday.

Fell asleep on the bunk only to be rudely awoken by agonising stomach pains and finding I was in the process of severley letting my self down, the smell was horrendous which lead to me starting to vomit. It was literally coming out both ends, managed to get out the cab but by then the damage as done.

Then began the whole cleanup operation, bucket + sponge + £10 worth of wetwipes (most of that was just for me) and I did the best job I could. After my hard work cleaning the cab and scrubbing the bunk all that was left was a faint oudour and a stain on the mattress, which i hoped would dry off with the night heater on.

As I’d written off my under-crackers and the rest of my clothes where also ruined I had to purchase some ill fitting garments from a local charity shop just to get back to base.

In the end I was 3 hours late due to whole fiasco and the regular driver must have thought I was homeless the state I was in. Anyway told him I had cleaned his cab and that not many agency drivers do what I just have and left him to it. Just hope he was OK with the smell and doesn’t go on the internet and tell everyone about it.

You might be right

A new seat was fitted, steering wheel was replaced, new curtains, new back doors, new mirrors, and it was thoroughly cleaned before it was given to me. It was like a new wagon. Well, as new as an 8 year old motor could look.

So basically the company in question has had to pay up several hundred pounds to get this sorted, why the ■■■■ wasn’t this spotted/sorted by the management earlier? Either said scruff should have sorted his ■■■■ out or he should have got his P45.


A new seat was fitted, steering wheel was replaced, new curtains, new back doors, new mirrors, and it was thoroughly cleaned before it was given to me. It was like a new wagon. Well, as new as an 8 year old motor could look.

So basically the company in question has had to pay up several hundred pounds to get this sorted, why the [zb] wasn’t this spotted/sorted by the management earlier? Either said scruff should have sorted his [zb] out or he should have got his P45.

What I don’t understand, is that they must of spent most of what they made from selling my old one.

I have started using Gizoogle to convert all text, it makes reading these posts funnier.

Example - Translated OP

Waited 3 minutes fo’ tha agency driver ta brang mah truck back afta brang up since Monday. It make me wanna hollar playa! Dude holla’d iv cleaned yo’ cab dawg not nuff agency drivers do dis ■■■■… n’ you KNOWS fair one n’ holla’d props. then climbed up tha ■■■■ into tha cab n’ tha smell was indescribable n’ a nasty stain on tha mattress. This muthafucka badicly looked homeless I don’t feel sorry fo’ tha dirty [zb] as mah firm pays fo’ parkin n’ you always git a gangbangin’ free shower n’ ■■■■. Right back up in yo muthafuckin ■■■. So refused ta stay up in tha waggon n’ tha boss is goin ta git tha waggon valleted on Saturday. It make me wanna hollar playa! My ■■■■■■ question is why do agencyz take these playas on. I aint talkin’ bout chicken n’ gravy biatch. Da febreze n’ detail is ghon be up tomorrow.

What I don’t understand, is that they must of spent most of what they made from selling my old one.

Maybe yours dint have as many miles on the clock with all the cleaning you do. :laughing:

easily solved work for a good company like me I take truck home at weekends and when I go on holiday it stays at my hose and nobody goes near it.

von max:
easily solved work for a good company like me I take truck home at weekends and when I go on holiday it stays at my hose and nobody goes near it.

48 x 2 days each weekend stood = 96 days + 4 weeks holiday per year = 28 days

So that’s 124 days per year the truck isn`t earning, I assume you own the truck or have a foolish boss willing to allow an investment to stand idle

I sent one agency driver home a few weeks ago as he just was not clean
same white shirt 4 days in a row
not had a shave or shower
looks bad for the company

its always the agency driver! bore off! some of you ‘company men’ need sacking, I have been sent to driver vehicles animals wouldn’t get into never mind a human. I always left the vehicle in the same state I found it needless to say often I had to find some hobo to sit in it so the smell wouldn’t be changed :blush:

some people are tramps end of agency or company but why not call all agency bods? I used to take polish rags air freshener etc so if I was lucky enough to get a clean vehicle (very rarely) I left it clean!

merry xmas by the way!

Christmas eve and still time to moan :unamused: :unamused: Merry christmas :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

I do some agency work also
to add I also sent home two of my own company people
why did I send them home ?
I had ordered all Drivers agency or company New uniform
5 shirts
jackets summer an winter
black trousers x 2
if they cant clean or change shirt I don’t want to know once I have warned them for 2 weeks

We have one guy and the seat belt had wore a hole through his T shirt on the right shoulder (you could clearly see right through it), we went to stores and got him a new one :laughing:

Two things I can not understand:
Why some drivers wearing the bloody hi-wis raincoat whilst they are driving?
What an idiot drives in the gloves he used for coupling, etc?

The reflection in the screen annoys the knackers off me.
Though if I did multi drop I can see why if your in and out of the cab every five minutes.

Gloves always off and lashed by the heater vent to stay warm and dry as soon as I enter the wagon. :wink:

When I was still at school I used to help wash the vehicles at a local firm on a Sunday (much hilarity and ■■■■■■■ about was had when no-one was about :laughing: :stuck_out_tongue: ). Anyway, one regular driver there had a very bad reputation for awful personal hygiene. Cans of deodorant, shower gels and air freshener were often left in his cab by various people to drop the hint, to no avail. He was a nice enough chap by all accounts, but was basically filthy.

Why are these people kept on??

Why are these people kept on??

Because they don’t get employed as models, they’re employed to drive a truck.
As long as their boss is happy with their work, then why wouldn’t they be kept on?


Why are these people kept on??

Because they don’t get employed as models, they’re employed to drive a truck.
As long as their boss is happy with their work, then why wouldn’t they be kept on?

Well people like that are not a very good advert for the company are they? It was surprising he was kept on when there are people who do know their way around a bathtub who are looking for a job. It’s also not particularly nice for anyone else who drives or services that truck is it?

Remember, him and his truck stank.

(For added effect, he wore a string vest too!)