Ding Ding !!

Some may remember me. I took my Class 2 and Class 1 tests last year . Though I did get a Class 1 job , I wasnt very successful at it, having two knocks in the yard and getting the sack . I worked for an Agency for a while doing Class 2 work for Royal Mail , unfortunately there wasnt much work to be had…Only had a months work from Jan-March of this year.
Decided it was time for drastic measures so I applied for a job as a bus driver.Trained with the bus company and passed my PCV test first time…should have done ,as they make you drive around for 4 weeks before test!!

Been on the road for approximately 1 month now, and am really enjoying it .Heard a lot of horror stories about crappy passengers etc, but I have found so far, that if you just switch off its all pretty good. I aint gonna argue with someone who dont want to pay their fare…it aint my £2 .

Its shift work, which is taking some getting used to…and the fact that I sometimes have to work Sat & Sun is a bit of a downer but the pay is decent…so far between £335 and £400 take home depending on hours worked per week , and an average of about £140(gross) if I work one of my rest days.

Will maybe look into HGV work when my year is up (or I have to pay £1000 for the training), but happy enough at the moment.

Some may remember me. I took my Class 2 and Class 1 tests last year . Though I did get a Class 1 job , I wasnt very successful at it, having two knocks in the yard and getting the sack .

Caro/cara Sal.
I’ve done that too (and been sacked) it happens to the best of us. :blush: :blush: Less forgivable in my case, because I was “experienced” at the time. :blush: :blush: :blush:

Decided it was time for drastic measures so I applied for a job as a bus driver.Trained with the bus company and passed my PCV test first time…should have done ,as they make you drive around for 4 weeks before test!!

Bravo/a, I didn’t like the idea of freight that talks, so I stuck to trucks. :wink:

Been on the road for approximately 1 month now, and am really enjoying it .Heard a lot of horror stories about crappy passengers etc, but I have found so far, that if you just switch off its all pretty good. I aint gonna argue with someone who dont want to pay their fare…it aint my £2 .

Do bus the bus firms still have inspectors who check for correct fares vs. head count??

Will maybe look into HGV work when my year is up (or I have to pay £1000 for the training), but happy enough at the moment.

Yes, stick with it, because your PCV licence is then “yours.” :wink: If you did PCV “auto” you might think about an upgrade to manual- better wages?? :wink:
Distinti saluti,

Well I already have my Class 2 so PCV is upgraded to Manual :smiley: .

I may have made the bus driving sound better than it is . Dont get me wrong, its not as bad as I thought it would be .Of course there are times when I wish it was just me in the vehicle…like when I want a pee…or take a phone call…or listen to the radio…or just stop for 5 minutes…or take a short cut :smiley:

Well I already have my Class 2 so PCV is upgraded to Manual :smiley: .

I may have made the bus driving sound better than it is . Dont get me wrong, its not as bad as I thought it would be .Of course there are times when I wish it was just me in the vehicle…like when I want a pee…or take a phone call…or listen to the radio…or just stop for 5 minutes…or take a short cut :smiley:

I thought you’d find more reasons why i didn’t do PCV- well done :sunglasses:

Is bus driving that bad ?

I’m in two minds as to which to do!

I’d sooner eat sick.

Been there, done that and got the t shirt.
Late night drunks, schoolkids, passengers that think you’re driving a 35’ taxi and can drop them anywhere regardles of safety or legality :unamused:

Had 8 years on the buses and wouldn’t go back for all the t in china (already tried that when I got desperate)

Do bus the bus firms still have inspectors who check for correct fares vs. head count??

Yes they do and I came close to a bollocking 1 day so became a stickler for checking passes.

On one occassion, I requested a pass off a black lady (no relation to the story apart from the outcome as she was last on and i had checked ALL passes) She showed the photocard but not the pass although I could see the colour of the pass and it was the old one that expired 3 months ago.

Eventually got the pass and confirmed what I already knew so confiscated the card (that had been illegally usesd for 3 months)

Apparantly I was a “racist brat” for that according to her

another occassion, again checking all the passes, bloke argues that he showed his pass 2 days ago. I politely explain that I have to check he has it with him today, to which he complains that I am victimising him because he is BLIND.

Again I politely inform him that “I” check all passes all the time.

His reply
“well I’ve never seen you check them”

each to their own but I don’t think its worth the hassle
(and don’t get me started on coaching with nightclub runs, school runs and the “blue rinse brigade” :unamused: