
As some of you know i packed my job in 3 weeks ago due to one thing and another and joined up with an agency which im perfectly happy with BUT people keep telling the moneys good now but just wait till after christmas when all the work dries up and this got me thinking…

Anyway today i was offered a job driving for a local firm multi dropping round staffordshire moneys (£350 for 50 hours) not to bad sort of inbetween my previous job and the agency money the trucks a bit of a snotter but its a permanent job with a guaranteed wage every week

Now the dilema is which job do i take

A. Im really enjoying the agency work and im getting regular work and good money and its something diferent all the time

B. Fulltime job with an average but guaranteed wage every week but same thing day in day out (i get bored very easy)

please help
because i’ve no idea what to do


First question id ask you Si, have you got a lot of financial overhead? You’ll know what you can afford to earn to live on, take it from there! :slight_smile:

I like agency work myself. The money’s good, the hours are whatever I want to work and I’m getting regular work. Also Si, like you I tend to get board doing the same run day in day out. However, I have a very reasonable rent and few overheads, so I can afford not to work the odd day if you know what I mean :wink: .

I have found that even after Xmas work was not that bad, I have a HIAB & class one & normally only do the odd day’s class 2 work, but that does increase after Xmas, its also normally the only time I get offered HIAB work.
The very big BUT is that my wife & I do rely on my wages & I try not to work for any one company or agency all the time anyhow, so a few weeks of no work during Jan, Feb & march is not a problem, as it gives me the chance to see if I can pick up some work I would normally not try for.

I’m self employed who combines subing for agency with my continental work and I have worked like this for years my gaffer at the agency has changed companies but we have such a good working relationship that I followed him. He knows what suits me and I don’t let him down, it sounds perfect doesn’t it?
But with 3 1/2 years of happily working like this it can get lean at the new year I normally bog off abroad in january but I have no ties. There is a lot to be said for a good steady job this time of year is rich pickings on agency so don’t be fooled. :wink: