
Would you report one of your fellow drivers to your company, even though it could end up getting him the sack?

Got a lift off a colleague, and his driving was awful to the point of being dangerous, speeding and intimidating pedestrians. I nearly got out the cab when he stopped. He also blocked an ambulance running on a blue light, not sure if it was deliberate or he just didn’t foresee what was going to happen (I did).

I wasn’t sure if this display was for my benefit, young lad showing off, so I mentioned it to another colleague of mine who said that they’d took him to one side and had a quiet word in his ear after witnessing his bad driving.

I’ve also seen him stopped by the police on account of his bad driving. After that, he had the customary “driving assessment” which was fine.

Personally, I think I’d be doing everyone, including him, a favour by taking him out of the truck for a while.

Frankly, my mind is already made up, I was just wondering what other people would do.

Shop before he hurts some one or worse , more so if some one else has already taken him to task on it

Take him to one side, tell him if you see him driving dangerously again you WILL report it to management.

Take him to one side, tell him if you see him driving dangerously again you WILL report it to management.

That’s already been done twice that I know of. Once by the police. How many chances does someone get? People see his truck with our livery on and tar us all with the same brush.

Captain Caveman 76:

Take him to one side, tell him if you see him driving dangerously again you WILL report it to management.

That’s already been done twice that I know of. Once by the police. How many chances does someone get? People see his truck with our livery on and tar us all with the same brush.

If thats the case and he still hasn’t wised up then the only option left is to shop him in. As you say, you’re all driving the same livery.

if your “mates” driving is as bad as you make it out to be ( and I’m not saying your spinning a story ) would it not be better to get it sorted out before he has a serious accident out on the road . Better to sort it before you hear the news he has had a serioius accident rather than to be standing about thinking "I wish I’d done something about it sooner "


Don’t sit on your arse- get in and grass! :stuck_out_tongue:

If he’s not learnt anything by being spoken to…
Worst case.
A: He loses his job
B: you have to live with the guilt you never said anything (to him or the boss) after he kills someone.

If he’s as bad as you say, you really need to act on it. ■■■■ the people who say don’t grass etc, drivers like this ruin lives.


+1…grass…who died and gave you the road commander hat to wear…mind your own business.

I’d be very reluctant to grass him up, the company already have had reports and have done the usual waste of time and effort, re-assessed him, did the pillocks think he’d drive like a ■■■■■■ when being assessed? idiots, but not so idiotically they’ve now shifted the blame neatly onto the assessor, cos when summat goes seriously wrong there’s a paper trail that they took action, and the assessor…the man now to blame…passed him as fit to drive, neat huh :unamused:

I know a bloke like this, happened a while ago, a member of the public sent video footage in, driver interviewed and sacked, company takes any complaints seriously.

Place i was at a long time ago, half wit managed to overtake on bends on an A road putting the lorry he was overtaking in the ditch, company asked my mate the trainer to re-assess him, his reply ‘‘what are we supposed to do, practice overtaking on blind bends till we get it right’’.

Thing is i think your company falls into this latter category, bollockless management not having the stones to sort someone out who needs sorting, they aint alone in this of course, neutered pointless managers are like bloody lice, so i reckon reporting him again will end up down the same dead end again and you painted as the company grass.

Your choice, yes its annoying that the idiot gets you all tarred, a few years ago a swift belt round the ear 'ole would have sorted this out, but in this new world its all about blame shifting/arse covering.

I cannot tolerate a grass, I would sooner tell him straight that his driving is ■■■■ and needs sorting out, I would go out with him and show him how he should be driving. What if the poor lad loses his job over it. Man up and grab him by the throat if he doesn’t shape up. At least try to help him out rather than get him sacked. Too many people are playing at traffic commissioners rather than do something about it. If people ■■■■■ foot around him talking behind his back about his driving rather than to him in a way he understands then I would blame your lot at your firm rather than him.

In all seriousness-

I would have a quiet word with him, and having done that I would consider my moral obligations to be complete. I wouldn’t report him to management any more than I would report somebody to management because I knew they smoked a spliff on their day off.

If I wanted to be the Police, then I would have joined the Police.

People are always telling me about my driving. I just ignore them.

All a question of degree isn`t it ?
Grassing up someone for going one mph over the limit?
Stopping an ■■■■■■ dangerous idiot who has already had warnings, and ignored them? An accident looking for somewhere to happen?

The way Cavey has written his post shows the way hes thinking, and I for one, (Ive never met Cavey or the driver hes describing) wont put myself up as a better judge than him. No, its certainly not an easy choice, and Im glad Im not making it. Those who use the term "grass" when if ever would you do something? Would you let a staggering drunk drive away in a car? In a truck? Wheres the difference here? Taking Cavey at his word I dont want to share the road with this driver, and wouldnt blame anyone for taking him off the road. What`ll happen if Cavey reports him? Maybe nothing. Maybe he gets a serious talking to and does improve. Maybe he continues as a knob.

As described I know I couldn`t live with myself if I sat back, did nowt, and a serious accident happened.

All a question of degree isn`t it ?
Grassing up someone for going one mph over the limit?
Stopping an [zb] dangerous idiot who has already had warnings, and ignored them? An accident looking for somewhere to happen?

The way Cavey has written his post shows the way hes thinking, and I for one, (Ive never met Cavey or the driver hes describing) wont put myself up as a better judge than him. No, its certainly not an easy choice, and Im glad Im not making it. Those who use the term "grass" when if ever would you do something? Would you let a staggering drunk drive away in a car? In a truck? Wheres the difference here? Taking Cavey at his word I dont want to share the road with this driver, and wouldnt blame anyone for taking him off the road. What`ll happen if Cavey reports him? Maybe nothing. Maybe he gets a serious talking to and does improve. Maybe he continues as a knob.

As described I know I couldn`t live with myself if I sat back, did nowt, and a serious accident happened.

So get him sacked and shift the problem onto another firm who with any luck would have the balls to sort him out. Who knows he may turn out to be a better driver than the lot of you gutless grasses.


All a question of degree isn`t it ?
Grassing up someone for going one mph over the limit?
Stopping an [zb] dangerous idiot who has already had warnings, and ignored them? An accident looking for somewhere to happen?

The way Cavey has written his post shows the way hes thinking, and I for one, (Ive never met Cavey or the driver hes describing) wont put myself up as a better judge than him. No, its certainly not an easy choice, and Im glad Im not making it. Those who use the term "grass" when if ever would you do something? Would you let a staggering drunk drive away in a car? In a truck? Wheres the difference here? Taking Cavey at his word I dont want to share the road with this driver, and wouldnt blame anyone for taking him off the road. What`ll happen if Cavey reports him? Maybe nothing. Maybe he gets a serious talking to and does improve. Maybe he continues as a knob.

As described I know I couldn`t live with myself if I sat back, did nowt, and a serious accident happened.

So get him sacked and shift the problem onto another firm who with any luck would have the balls to sort him out. Who knows he may turn out to be a better driver than the lot of you gutless grasses.

And how will turning a blind eye to his bad driving “sort him out”?

And how will turning a blind eye to his bad driving “sort him out”?

I didn’t say turn a blind eye now did I ?

Everyone of our companies drivers has years of euro driving experience and no one is taken on without at least 10 years proven record however, most drive flat to the mat as its pay per load (a lot more gets done this way) and none want to hang about. Does it make them dangerous? Ofcourse not. Unless this guy is driving on the pavement at pedestrians/ taking out cyclists and generally giving the V to any road sign i’d personally just leave him to it. Everyone has different styles of driving, like DNA, no one is the same and what may appear dangerous to a nervous passenger doesnt always equate to actually being dangerous…

Everyone of our companies drivers has years of euro driving experience and no one is taken on without at least 10 years proven record however, most drive flat to the mat as its pay per load (a lot more gets done this way) and none want to hang about. Does it make them dangerous? Ofcourse not. Unless this guy is driving on the pavement at pedestrians/ taking out cyclists and generally giving the V to any road sign i’d personally just leave him to it. Everyone has different styles of driving, like DNA, no one is the same and what may appear dangerous to a nervous passenger doesnt always equate to actually being dangerous…
