Digital tacho problem

Used my digital tacho card for the first time today and when driving the display screen kept shifting from the normal driving display to the driving without card screen. I was told not to worry as would still get a print out witch i did. Can anyone explain to me the reason for the screen shifting and if so what i need to do to solve this problem.

Any advice would be great.

From a worred member Thanks.

I have quite a lot to do with digital tachographs because I run a driver cpc course all about using them. Could be a few different causes. Before you insert your card ensure that the screen is displaying your odo’s not a warning message. Press the ok button until the warnings are cleared off the screen before inserting your card. Then once your card is inserted do not start driving until the symbol in the bottom left of the screen changes from a square black box into a rectangle box in black with a clear square box towards the top of the black retangle. Sounds weird but if watch the left corner of the screen after putting your card in and confirming start place and manual entries you will see it change, takes up to 3 mins. So basically don’t set off before it’s done or it tell you off, like it did. These boxes are very slow and ■■■■■■■■■■ to use, probably because they were designed in the mid 90’s. Any more info just ask me.

Also… MAKE SURE YOU PUT YOUR CARD INTO DRIVER 1 SLOT… We had an older guy with this problem every shift, maintained he was doing everything correctly, only been putting his card into slot 2.

As said above the reason for this is either the message was already there before you inserted the card and required okaying, or you had your card in slot 2. However, if the printout showed all your driving, work and breaks then it will be the first option, if your card had been in slot 2 the printout for your card wouldn’t show the driving.

Thanks for the much needed info. :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:


As said above the reason for this is either the message was already there before you inserted the card and required okaying, or you had your card in slot 2. However, if the printout showed all your driving, work and breaks then it will be the first option, if your card had been in slot 2 the printout for your card wouldn’t show the driving.

Happened to me the other day,I put the card in slot 2,went about my merry way,thought there was something wrong,when I put it on break,carried on regardless.
Got back to the yard at the end of the day and realised what a ■■■ I had been.
Did a print out and filled in the back,is that about right ?