Digital tacho hell - rant alert

I’ve been back in the industry about a year and have gotten my driving level back up to fairly good but these digital tachos are just doing my head in.

-Apparently going down a slight hill and saving fuel is now a mini crime infringement if you let the vehicle run nicely on eco-roll for too long. If I set a limiter in someones car to 66mph and told them they were doing something wrong by not even reaching the speed limit down a hill they would probably try and stab me, and fair enough. So do unto others; this wasn’t thought through by someone reasonable.
-The bloody things are practically unreadble without the ignition on.
-They have less processing power than a 1984 ZX Spectrum.
-They are totally un-intuitive to use and you can press a wrong button put the card in or out at the wrong time and give yourself an infringement and have a Transport Manager breathing down your neck.

Anyone got any tips for using the damned things, I went three months with any infringements and now they seem to be piling up the more I try to avoid them. :unamused:

The Tachos are fine, You are fine - change the Transport Manager… The ones that breathe down your neck:stuck_out_tongue:
Chances are, he (and it is a he - right?) lost their driving mojo years ago (Blameworthy RTC, Removed from driving, Promoted to Acting Manger so it won’t up the pension…), and like an impotent ■■■■ star - they seem to want to ruin everyone else’s ■■■ lives into the bargain, just because they cannot show a bit of wood even when waking up in the morning… :stuck_out_tongue:

It would be a bit easier if over speeds were consistent, but some units setup are much more prone to them. Ive never been pulled up for overspeeds.

Like all electronic ■■■■ they work best on 11000 volts.

If you’re talking about overspeed my company doesn’t bother but going downhill I knock cruise control down either 3 or 5 mph depending on the hill.

My truck is limited at 56…

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First what’s your companies policy on over speeds? Some care about them others don’t…
All trucks/tacho’s seem to be set up differently on registering them.
On ours above 56 you get 30 secs before the intial warning, then it will record an overspeed.
I normally let it roll to whatever speed then slow down to 55 to reset it & then let her roll again…
Annoying as ■■■■ but it is what it is

Personally I pay a bonus for overspeeds! :smiley:

I just hold it to 100k :smiley:

When I first started with present employer, I had an overspeed warning told the the boss and he said “don’t worry I delete them as long as you don’t go over 60mph”!!!

When I first started with present employer, I had an overspeed warning told the the boss and he said “don’t worry I delete them as long as you don’t go over 60mph”!!!

Company might choose to ignore overspeeds, or delete them from any tacho analysis paperwork, but surely they can’t be deleted from actual tacho card
Still be there for the authorities to see.

The authorities across the water may very well view it differently for you boys Franglais, I don’t know so can’t comment, but in this country as long as the overspeed is 60mph or below there is diddly squat they can do about it.

the maoster:
The authorities across the water may very well view it differently for you boys Franglais, I don’t know so can’t comment, but in this country as long as the overspeed is 60mph or below there is diddly squat they can do about it.

They certainly don’t like it…
I’ve never been fined, nor know anyone else who has, but comments have been made, and I guess you’d agree, it doesn’t do to attract attention.
Easy for them to print off a sheet with speed ranges and times spent in those ranges. Too long over 90kph, (I’d guess any time over 100kph) you are gonna be looked at closely.

I totally agree that it doesn’t do to attract attention and I’ve indeed made a career out of flying under the radar and not attracting attention, but my point was that (leaving Euroland aside) that overspeeds (within the obvious parameters) may well attract attention but they still fall within legal boundaries in this country, so therefore are not offences.

Simply tell the TM that the only person allowed to breathe down your neck is his wife.