Digital confusion plz help

Hi all new 2 the forum. I’ve just sent off for my digicard and have been looking in how to use it have you got to do manual entries everytime you put your card in. One driver says yes and the other says no. I look on the net and its bit mind bogglin … Any tips would be grateful .

Hi and welcome. A very brief answer is that you must enter a manual entry every time the tacho wont record all your activities. A typical example is: arrive at yard, your vehicle not in yet, you work in yard for a couple of hours, vehicle comes in, insert card and make manual entry to cover the yard work.

The tacho will ask if this is the start of your shift - so you have a good prompt.

Make a manual entry straight onto the printout to account for any unforseen delays that have forced you into running overtime.

There’s loads more to it than that but this is a very simple example. But you do not make manual entries for any shift covered by an analogue chart.

Hope that helps a bit, Pete

Also brillant yes, its more understanding now you give me that brief example, do you know where I could find more info in tacho cards* and thank you very much Pete appreciate it.

It can be a bit difficult to explain on a forum but when you see it in front of you it will become more clear

Just place card in then follow instruction that come up on the unit but it does depend on which unit you are using as there are 4 different typed all slightly different

Pm me your emil address and I’ll make you a video tomorrow and send it on

Hi mate,

Try this link … _adsl.html

Theres a guided seQuence bit Which Will talk you through step by step and explain it all properly. Hope this is of help.


There are also some good books and DVDs on eBay that explain how all the models work

Cheers guys, yes my email is

Ben aka bigfoot that link is awesome just checking it out. Guys I’m glad I found this forum its like a close family .