You don’t do a manual entry to show daily rest or weekly rest.On the 1.4 machines where you have to account for your time, the ‘?’ symbol should be used to show your weekly and daily rest, not the bed symbol.
On type 1 digital tachographs you don’t do manual entries to cover the daily/weekly rest periods but on type 2 digital tachographs you do.
On a type 2 digital tachographs you will be prompted for the activity between shifts, that’s a manual entry really isn’t it
Anyway, there’s no reason why you would use the ? for a rest period instead of the bed symbol.
If you’ve been on a daily/weekly rest period use the bed symbol, if you’ve done work that cannot be accounted for on the digital tachograph use the ? symbol.
Example of showing unaccounted time on a 1.4 Siemens digital tachograph:
Day 1 use a digital tachograph.
Day 2 use a digital tachograph.
Day 3 use an analogue tachograph.
Day 4 use a digital tachograph.
On day 2 you would use the bed symbol to show the rest period between day 1 and day 2.
On day 4 you cannot use the bed symbol to show the activities from the end of day 2 (last use of a digital tachograph) to the start of day 4 because you haven’t been on rest all the time, so you use the ? symbol.