Digi tacho.

Possibly the most useless piece of equipment known to man. So if you do a printout too soon after stopping (siemens) it doesn’t include the latest period of driving. Good to know after 7 odd years of using them. Don’t ask how much I went over! Normally I try and keep rough track in my head but I was in a Scotch trance.

They don’t show ■■■■■■■■■■ driving total for the day, I mean how crap is that?

I know they are crap, I wish you could just printout a short one with out all the other, just driving times and other work ect :sunglasses:

I know they are crap, I wish you could just printout a short one with out all the other, just driving times and other work ect :sunglasses:

even better when ur shift goes over 2 days