Digi tacho break warning

usefull thing the didgi tacho letting itself total the amount of driving time you occur before your break after 4.5 hours.This enables so you can drive up to the limit .You can see for yourself if you press once one of the 2 arrows. the one facing up or the one facing down whilst driving or stationery when the screen is on the normal running screen. Four figures come on screen the driving symbol counting every minute.

thing is i read that an audible warning occurs 15 mins before the 4.5 is due and i waited and drove waiting for it until i looked up and a message said no break so i drove 30 mins over the 4.5 time oops…but its usefull than having to fiddle with a watch or guess

the mandatory warning is display only. If the Vehicle Unit is not directly in the field of view of the driver then the dash display should have an orange light on it with a ‘T’ on the light, this tells you that the tacho is displaying an event or fault and you should look at the VU for more info.
To the best of my knowledge, the only VU with an audible warning that is user setable is the Actia Smartach, but you won’t find many out there.