Digi Printout Info not mine?

Hi all, I drive a different unit every night… I did a printout at the end of my shift this morning, and on the end of it is a list of ‘faults’ - on the card symbol one, the reference number isn’t mine, and the times recorded are not times I’ve worked (day times). Why would there be card events on there which aren’t mine?
Also there is a vehicle one for a unit I never use.

Sure it’s not the log of the times the vehicle has been moved without a card in the slot.
It will register every time it gets shunted around

Have you done a printout for the truck instead of the driver?

Yeah it’s a driver 1 printout… occurrences but with zeros… ■■

Those are the last 5 vehicle events not card events.

The bottom 2 events are driving without card, the 0 time means it wasn’t driven long enough to record, the top 3 events are over-speed events.

edit: Ignore them it’s not your problem, actually those events aren’t anyone’s problem :slight_smile:

I looked at the tacho info though & it states the b&w oblong is the card, and the symbol that looks like an inverted cow’s head is the unit… hence on the list above that one is 5 unit reg numbers??

In the middle of the dotted line at the top of the image is ! X followed by the symbol for a vehicle, the events under that dotted line are the last 5 recorded vehicle events.

Above that there is a dotted line and in the centre of that line is ! X followed by the card symbol, under that dotted line are the last 5 recorded events (when there are any) taken off your driver card.

Are you saying that the 5 events above the ones you’ve shown show a registration number of a vehicle you’ve never driven ?

Pretty much… there’s one there that I never drive!
Edit… just realised I posted the unit discrepancy part, but yes, I have 5 driver ones - one shows a double manning minus: “-00hr01” and 2 have an electrical symbol by them, which apparently means disconnected battery?? and I don’t know what else it means… the rest have “00hr00”

If there’s a vehicle registration number on your driver card then you’ve probably driven it or someone else has driven it with your card, if you’ve got doubts about that put your card in a card reader at work and see what comes up on the computer.

As far as the other events are concerned I couldn’t say what they are without seeing them or knowing exactly what the symbols are.