Digi cards

Just had three days on a MANXXL demo with the new fangled Digital Tacho.
It strikes me that this thing strikes as much unwarrented fear as"the spy in the cab",30 odd years ago.[Was it 30 years?-im too young!!]. :smiley: Sure the Ministry can down load at the roadside,but carry ing 15 days Tachos leaves us open to a pull if owt`s adrift :smiling_imp: 'Tis the future,is it frightning?
NAW !!! :grimacing:

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

We’ve done well - that must be at least a week now since the last one Neil. :sunglasses:

Im a yorkshire man trapped in Derby shire summat went wrong somewhere :angry: :angry: :angry:

Just had three days on a MANXXL demo with the new fangled Digital Tacho.
It strikes me that this thing strikes as much unwarrented fear as"the spy in the cab",30 odd years ago.[Was it 30 years?-im too young!!]. :smiley: Sure the Ministry can down load at the roadside,but carry ing 15 days Tachos leaves us open to a pull if owt`s adrift :smiling_imp: 'Tis the future,is it frightning?
NAW !!! :grimacing:

Let me guess…White Lightening?

:smiley: we have been told you have to hold 22 days print offs with the digi card and not 15 can someone confirm this. :question:

:smiley: we have been told you have to hold 22 days print offs with the digi card and not 15 can someone confirm this. :question:

It could be up to 22 days records you need to produce, it varies between 16 and 22 days depending on which day of the current week it is and is the same whether it is digital, analogue or a combination of both. You have to carry records for all of the current week and the previous 15 days. Now the week begins on a Monday, so on that day you would have records for 16 days, that day and the previous 15. If you are driving on the last day of the current week, Sunday, it would be records covering 22 days, 7 days of the current week and the previous 15.

You don’t necessarily have to have the print outs as the info will be on the card, but they would be handy if your card was lost, stolen or became faulty.

There is no requirement to hold printouts when using a vehicle fitted with a digital tachograph and you are recording your driving, duty etc on your digi card… Should your tachograph card be lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed then you must report the matter to DVLA within 7 calendar days. They (DVLA) are then required to issue you a replacement within 5 working days. The replacement will be sent to the local DVLA office or VOSA test station of your choice, Only the cardholder can collect the card, you must take photo ID and sign a declaration stating that the card you have collected is your one and only tachograph card (drivers).
You may drive digitally equipped vehicles whilst waiting for your card for a maximum of 15 days (or longer, if necessary to return to base). On each day you drive, at the start of duty, you must take a vehicle unit printout and add your full name and either your driving licence number or driver card number and sign the printout. At the end of duty you do the same thing, take a printout and add the details. You must then keep these printouts for the production period; current week and 15 calendar days prior to the start of the current week. At the end of this period the printouts are returned to your employer, who must keep them for at least 12 months after they were produced. You cannot use this procedure if you have never applied for a digi card or are waiting for your first card to arrive. In these circumstances if you are given a vehicle with a digi tacho - DO NOT DRIVE IT :smiley:
Employers are required to download and store the copies of downloaded data from both cards and vehicle units. At the moment there is no mandatory period for downloading, but it may well be 21 days for cards and 3 months for the vehicle units. Many are downloading cards each week as the process only takes a few minutes

It could be up to 22 days records you need to produce

Interestingly, Asda require agency drivers to sign a piece of paper promising to return tachos within 21 days… :unamused:

Yep. it’s out of date that bit of paper and needs replacing. By the same token they have notices up reminding drivers of the amount of days you need to keep charts for following the changes. They haven’t had any of mine back within 21 days and it hasn’t been an issue.