Digi-Card woes

Hi all,

well this morning i got my card back from my boss and he informed me that my card wont download properly ( he tried it 7-8 times) and he’s told me i’ll need to send off for a replacement, he then promptly handed photo copies of the DVLA forms to fill in and send off.

i’ve read that i can drive for several says without a card but that i must take a print out before and after the end of my shift… as i’m doubled manned i’m not sure the best way to do that? couldn’t i just keep a manual log on the back of the print out paper or ami expected to do this anyway…? i know it sounds strange but this is the first time i’ve had any issues with my card since i got it several years ago and the whole double manning thing is very new to me, as i’ve only been doing it now for a week and a half.

all help and advice welcomed, thanks.

I’ve moved your post to where I thnk it will receive more views and advice from those in the know. dd.

couldn’t i just keep a manual log on the back of the print out paper or ami expected to do this anyway…?

Thats all i would do.