Digi card question

Hiya everyone

if i am double manned but will not be driving do i need to put my digi card to record me working day n slot number 2?



Slot 1 for whoever is driving at the time.
Slot 2 for whoever is parked on their arse, doin’ nowt, at the time.
Change the cards over when you change seats.

If your going as drivers mate/van boy, then you are at work, on break or other work, card in slot 2.

If your going purely as a passenger, to keep a mate company on a trip, your card stays in your wallet

cheer simon

i thought that was the case, i was working today as a drivers mate the regular driver tried his hardest to convince me that my card was not needed

glad i stuck it in the machine anyway :wink:

i noticed it was recording POA for me when we were driving and not other work is that right?


That’s right.
VOSA have stated that they will count the first 45 minutes of POA as break, presumably after a period of other work.
I also presume that there’s a “card in slot 2” tag, to show you’re the second man.

If you were not driving at all that day, you could have recorded the 'other work/poa" time manually on an analogue chart, but then you would have to keep that with you as part of you records for the current week. As you had not driven on that particular day I don’t think you would have had to kept the record with you for the normal 28 days.

The easiest option is to do as you did, put the card in slot 2!

thanks guys

i was not driving at all :smiley:, the driver had his card in slot 1 and i put mine in 2,

i will make sure i do the same in future, i would rather do this than sit and mark an analogue chart all day


I don’t think you would have had to kept the record with you for the normal 28 days.

He would have to keep the record for the required period.