Different D A G

spot the new bits■■? :smiley:

would it be the “V” lights on the grille?

yeh wat else? :smiley:

lights in ya mirrors ?

yeh wat else? :smiley:

your top lights are different

are they?

they look different to another pic on here

they look like the angel eyes lights in the other pic

yeh they were angel eyes m8 there now 4sale :smiley:

yeh they were angel eyes m8 there now 4sale :smiley:

so i was right then :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

“THE MUTTS NUTS MATE” :exclamation: :exclamation:

yeh you was rite m8 :laughing:

so, why you change them and what’s wrong with them?

nowt just fancyed a change :smiley:

what lamps are they and how much?

smart looking motor must of cost you a pound or two

looking smart :wink:

lee mat Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2009 12:37 am Post subject:

smart looking motor must of cost you a pound or two

yeh just a few m8 :laughing:

it looks the dogs nuts as usual david, personally i prefer the angel eyes on the top bar tho !

some coloured lights would look nice. i like it when you see trucks with either blue or green lights on the front. :slight_smile: :slight_smile: