
do you do adr courses?
if so, how much for all classes plus tanks, and exam fees?

do you do adr courses?
if so, how much for all classes plus tanks, and exam fees?

I don’t think dieseldave deals with the cost side of things - just the instructing.

He can probably give you names of providers in a specific area if you want and then you can call those providers for the price :bulb:

Course Dcpc approved & extra cost of that (if you want it)
Is VAT included
Are the exam fees included

why would there be an extra dcpc cost?
if you do the adr course it counts toward the dcpc dosn’t it? or is this another nice little labour party earner?

why would there be an extra dcpc cost?
if you do the adr course it counts toward the dcpc dosn’t it? or is this another nice little labour party earner?

Made up example -
ADR course cost £400
Dcpc cost £25 per 7 hours = £75 for 21 hours - for upload fees and time (someone has to do the admin), Also the company has to cover the costs to JAUPT for being allowed to have the course approved.

Hi Phil,

ROG is spot-on above in his posts above.

You seem to be suspicious of the costs and where the money goes etc, and that’s only right and proper.
However, the info is publicly available from the JAUPT website so that you can see for yourself.

ADR does count as 21 hours towards the DCPC, but there are extra costs involved for the DCPC.
The fact that it counts doesn’t mean that it’s automatic, because a driver (or their company) has to pay the fee.
The provider has to be registered with JAUPT at a cost to the provider.
The particular course has to be registered with JAUPT at more cost to the provider.
Each chunk of seven hours incurs an upload fee at even more cost to the provider.

Some providers have written courses covering a variety of subjects and they can charge what they like for these courses, just have a look at “the big train” as an example. IMHO, most of those courses are just a collection of the seven-hour chunks of training required to complete the 35-hour requirement and the courses don’t have any real use in the real world.

On the other hand, ADR, HIAB and FLT (there are others) count towards DCPC AND give you a useable and portable qualification after you’ve got them.

As ROG said, if you tell me your location and the maximum distance you’re prepared to travel, I can give you a list of approved ADR providers that meet your specifications. Whether they offer DCPC would be a matter for you to enquire about with the individual provider, because not all of the approved (by SQA) ADR providers offer DCPC due to the massive extra costs of obtaining the extra JAUPT accreditation and the ongoing JAUPT fees.

I hope this helps. :smiley:

I have never seen any reference to CPC creditation relating to HIAB and FLT,only for ADR. Where does this information come from ?

I have never seen any reference to CPC creditation relating to HIAB and FLT,only for ADR. Where does this information come from ?

Hi Deathstar,
There are quite a variety of courses that can be put forward for JAUPT approval, I’ve mentioned some, but there are others.

Of course, that relies on a provider registering for DCPC (at a cost) and seeking approval for course(s) that they’ve written (at more cost) and being charged upload fees for each candidate for each seven-hour chunk of training (at even more cost.)

The details are to be found here: :arrow_right: CLICKY
The site has its own search engine, so you can look-up a fair amount of info.

Hi DD,I’m toying with the idea of doing ADR. I’m in the Southampton area so if you could recommend any trainers in the area it would be really appreciated,
Simon :sunglasses:

Hi DD,I’m toying with the idea of doing ADR. I’m in the Southampton area so if you could recommend any trainers in the area it would be really appreciated,
Simon :sunglasses:

Hi Simon,

You’re rather restricted for choice in Southampton, because there are only two providers unless you’re willing to travel to the next nearest, which is in Andover.

Roadsafe Europe Ltd
Unit 006, Solent Business Centre
Millbrook Road West
SO15 0HW
Phone: 02380 702576
Email and website: adr@roadsafeeurope.com
Contact: Mr Keith Harrington (Or Helen)

Solent Training Ltd
78 - 80 Portswood Road
SO17 2FW
Phone: 02380 575 777
Email: solenttraining@f2s.com
Contact: Mr Clive Symonds

ADR Training (South East) Ltd
Unit 3 Sopwith Park
Royce Close
West Portway Industrial Estate
SP10 3TS
Phone: 01264 333031
Email: info@adrtraining.org.uk
Contact Mr Martyn Walker

I’ll be teaching an ADR refresher from 1-3 March at Roadsafe, so you can pop along at 4pm on either 1st or 2nd March and I’ll let you have a look around the classroom and I’ll answer any questions you may have. I don’t get involved with pricing, so you’d have to speak to Keith or Helen about that. :smiley:

Thanks DD,if I can wangle my way out of some work (shouldn’t be too hard,I used to be a union rep :wink: ) I’ll try and pop in,will pm you at some time and let you know if I can make it.
Simon. :sunglasses:

Dave, would a refresher course on Moffat count towards CPC training or is it just new skills learning?

gnasty gnome:
Dave, would a refresher course on Moffat count towards CPC training …?

You would have to check the JAUPT site for that drivercpc-periodictraining.o … s-courses/


gnasty gnome:
Dave, would a refresher course on Moffat count towards CPC training …?

You would have to check the JAUPT site for that drivercpc-periodictraining.o … s-courses/

Hi gnasty gnome, Mr ROG has this one covered mate. :wink:

I’d say that it’s theoretically possible, but it will depend on whether a Moffett course provider has gone to the expense of getting their course approved by JAUPT. :smiley:

Thanks Dave & Rog. My company is doing the full bells & whistles thing with this driver CPC stuff (they’re pretty hot on keeping up with the legal side, one of the reasons I like working for them) so it won’t really affect me that much, but I’m due a refresher anyway, just trying to avoid another wasted day stuck in a classroom. :wink:

gnasty gnome:
Thanks Dave & Rog. My company is doing the full bells & whistles thing with this driver CPC stuff (they’re pretty hot on keeping up with the legal side, one of the reasons I like working for them) so it won’t really affect me that much, but I’m due a refresher anyway, just trying to avoid another wasted day stuck in a classroom. :wink:

Hi gnasty gnome, I don’t blame you one little bit mate, cos a Moffet qualification is very useful!! :smiley:

I’d far sooner get DCPC hours for a useful and portable qualification than one of the various ‘contrived’ courses that are only useful as a tick-box exercise. :wink:

ADR is a good example of this, because it’s very useful afterwards and cops 21 hours in one fell swoop.
ADR is valid for 5 years and covers 45 countries, and you can’t get much more useful and portable than that. :smiley: :stuck_out_tongue:

need a refresher dave ,doesnt matter where il sleep n car .
just at a decent price. :laughing:
jock miserable[zb]. :laughing:

need a refresher

If after 21 Dcpc hours and an ADR refresher then I wonder which is more FINANCIALLY worthwhile…

Doing the shorter refresher and getting 7 hours Dcpc plus paying for another 14 hours Dcpc
Doing the initial course and getting 21 hours Dcpc

:question: :question: :question:

I thought I heard a rumour that refreshers had been done away with and you had to have a full course, or was my old firm being scamed by the training provider?

I thought I heard a rumour that refreshers had been done away with and you had to have a full course, or was my old firm being scamed by the training provider?

Maybe the provider that your company uses does not offer refresher courses :question:

I thought I heard a rumour that refreshers had been done away with and you had to have a full course, or was my old firm being scamed by the training provider?

Hi OVLOV JAY, That’s possible, but by no means certain mate.

There was talk and a consultation a while ago in which the idea of getting rid of refreshers was discussed.
The training providers gave their opinions, but it seems that the idea was quietly shelved by SQA or DfT.

The exam fail rate for refreshers is higher than for initial courses, so providers for whom statistics are King have either got rid of refreshers or even dropped ADR from their course offerings.

The rules for providers are that they must offer initial courses, but whether they also offer refreshers is optional.

My own opinion is that the candidates for refreshers would stand a far better chance with their exams if the companies adhered to the legal requirement of updating drivers every two years as per ADR. Most companies completely fail to do this with the result that a course delivered at speed X2 is far too much for the drivers to take in within the allowed time. It does nothing for an experienced driver’s confidence to later learn that he’s failed an exam. :frowning:

The part that really gets me going is that the bosses tend to blame either the driver or the provider (or both) when the blame is entirely their own, because they didn’t follow a legal requirement.

As usual, the bosses seem to want it both ways. :smiling_imp: