
"Diesel price tumbling, down nearly 8.4 cents in 4 weeks

The national average price for a gallon of on-highway diesel dropped again in the most recent week – ended Oct. 7 – falling 2.2 cents to a $3.897, according to the Department of Energy’s Energy Information Administration… Read the full story here.
Source: overdrive"

When fracking starts in the UK, I’m sure our diesel price will tumble too

When fracking starts in the UK, I’m sure our diesel price will tumble too

I’m becoming quite interested in the economics behind our energy supply. Could you please explain your theory of how Diesel prices will tumble if/when fracking is a reality in this country?

I believe that was an example of what we call, “sarcasm”, Chas :wink: :unamused: :unamused:

“I’m becoming quite interested in the economics behind our energy supply. Could you please explain your theory of how Diesel prices will tumble if/when fracking is a reality in this country?”

Well, I suppose that the price of diesel is a function of (among other things) the price and availability of supply and the price of substitutes. I assume the products of fracking to be a range of light to heavy hydrocarbons. I thought that this was what had lead to the decline of energy prices in North America. Perhaps I was being sarcastic in the sure and certain knowledge that the price for us in the long term, has only one direction.

My point exactly! No matter what the cost to the fuel company, the price to us will always be in an upward direction. Give or take the odd penny to appease the protesters.

Well, I suppose that the price of diesel is a function of (among other things) the price and availability of supply and the price of substitutes. I assume the products of fracking to be a range of light to heavy hydrocarbons. I thought that this was what had lead to the decline of energy prices in North America. Perhaps I was being sarcastic in the sure and certain knowledge that the price for us in the long term, has only one direction.

I’m struggling here, please help me out. What is it that makes Diesel the price it is & how will fracking make it any cheaper?